请翻译这句话“It was exactly what the kids asked for — the kids were through the roof,”
Wells [said], recalling the celebratory party that the children held during their snack break.
重点是这句话 the kids were through the roof,”
A battle between a class of fourth graders and a major movie studio would seem an unequal fight. So it proved to be: the studio buckled. And therein lies a story of how new Internet tools are allowing very ordinary people to defeat some of the most powerful corporate and political interests around — by threatening the titans with the online equivalent of a tarring and feathering. Take Ted Wells’s fourth-grade class in Brookline, Mass. The kids read the Dr. Seuss story “The Lorax” and admired its emphasis on protecting nature, so they were delighted to hear that Universal Studios would be releasing a movie version in March. But when the kids went to the movie’s Web site, they were crushed that the site seemed to ignore the environmental themes. So last
Wells [said], recalling the celebratory party that the children held during their snack break.
重点是这句话 the kids were through the roof,”
A battle between a class of fourth graders and a major movie studio would seem an unequal fight. So it proved to be: the studio buckled. And therein lies a story of how new Internet tools are allowing very ordinary people to defeat some of the most powerful corporate and political interests around — by threatening the titans with the online equivalent of a tarring and feathering. Take Ted Wells’s fourth-grade class in Brookline, Mass. The kids read the Dr. Seuss story “The Lorax” and admired its emphasis on protecting nature, so they were delighted to hear that Universal Studios would be releasing a movie version in March. But when the kids went to the movie’s Web site, they were crushed that the site seemed to ignore the environmental themes. So last
- 1neither nor 、either or、 whether
- 2已知(2x-1)/3 -1≥x-(5-3x)/2,求①|x+3|的最值 ②|x-3|的最值
- 3现实 伯乐
- 4东经110度23分北纬35度12分怎样把那分转化为度?
- 5一种大豆出油率是32%,现在有大豆600千克,可榨油( )千克;要榨64千克油,需( )千克大豆.
- 6这是格林先生的书 那些是玛丽的吗? 那个用英语怎么说? 这3个句子用英语怎么说呢?
- 7在时间和幅度上都断续变化的信号是数字信号,语音信号不是数字信号.
- 8小明的钱是小方的4倍,小明用去60元,小方用去16元.小明剩下的钱是小方剩下的5倍,他们原来各有多少钱?
- 9了解的单词(see,know,realize,comprehend,understand,make sense of什么的)的语气强弱?
- 10猫——老鼠类似的词语
- 1烷烃2,3,4,5-4甲基,2-乙基庚烷是烯烃R和氢气发生加成反应后的产物,则R可能的结构简式有几种?
- 2高一化学有哪些常见的做法电子守恒,原子守恒
- 3地球为们么适合人类生存?
- 4解释影响化学反应速率大小的主要因素是反应物内部结构
- 5母亲节快到了,有什么关于感恩母亲的优美句子?
- 6There are many dark clouds in the sky.(用what提问)
- 7在这些小正方体中,6个面都没有涂色的有12块,仅有2个面涂红色的有28块,那么仅有 1个面涂红色的小正方体有()块,原来长方体的体积是()m2
- 8写一篇同学,我想对你说的作文
- 9四分之三乘以五分之六乘以十分之九等于多少
- 10一支钢笔比一支圆珠笔贵7.5元,原来圆珠笔的单价是钢笔的四分之一,钢笔和圆珠笔的单价分别是多少?方程解