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1.不定代词的作用 1)作主语,例: Both(of us) are right. (我们)两人都对. Either(of the answers) is correct. 两个回答不论哪一个都对. Neither(of the answers) is correct. 两个回答哪一个都不对. Is everybody here? 大家都到了吗? Nothing special happened yesterday. 昨天没有发生什么特殊的事情. All is going well. 一切进行得很好. 2)作宾语,例: There is room for all of us. 我们所有的人全坐得下. He gave two to each(of them). 他给(他们)每人两个. I like none of the books. 这些书我全不喜欢. If you have any, give us some. 有的话,给我们一点.3)作表语,例: That’s nothing. 没什么. Is that all you want to know? 你想知道的就是这些吗? Thanks, it’s too much for me. 谢谢,太多了. I’m not somebody,I’m nobody. 我不是重要人物,我是个无名小卒. That’s really something. 那真是一大收获. 4)作定语,例: You may take either road. 两条路你走哪条都行. Every room is clean and tidy. 每一个房间都很整洁. Everybody’s business is nobody’s business.人人都管等于没人管.(谚) Where are the other students? 其他的学生在哪里? Please give another example to illustrate your point.请再举个例子来说明你的论点. 5)作同位语,例: They both agreed to stay here. 他们两人都答应待在这儿. We are all for him. 我们全支持他. We none of us said anything. 我们谁也没说什么. Give them two each. 给他们每人两个. 2.不定代词的用法比较 1)all,every和each的比较 all在表示抽象的整体概念时,作单数,相当于everything(一切东西),例: All was destroyed in the big fire. 大火中一切都毁了. Grasp all, lose all. 什么都抓,什么都抓不住.(谚) Is that all you Want to know? 你想知道的就这些吗? all指人时用作复数,意为指三者以上的“全部”、“全体”,相当于everyone(每个),例: All are present. 大家都出席了. There is room for all of us. 我们所有的人全坐得下. She knows us all. 她认识我们所有的人. all在人称代词前面,只能用all of,而且要与人称代词的宾格us, you, them等连用,如:all of us,而不能说成all us. every用于三个或三个以上的人或物,是“每一个”的意思,只能作定语,强调整体概念,例: Every player is present. 每个运动员都出场了. They helped us in every way. 他们从各方面帮助我们. 在表示“每个”、“全体”意思时,every的意思与all很接近.但一般情况下every和单数名词搭配,all和复数名词搭配,例: Every child enjoys Christmas. 每个孩子都喜欢过圣诞节. All children enjoy Christmas. 所有的孩子都喜欢过圣诞节. Each也是“每一个”的意思,但与every不同,each用于指两个或两个以上的人或物,着重于个别概念,例: Two men came into the room. Each carried an umbrella. 两个人走进房间,每人拿着一把伞. Each book on this desk is worth reading. 这桌子上每一本书都值得读. He gave three to each(of them). 他给(他们)每人三个. 2) some和 any的比较 不定代词some,any都是“一些”的意思,都可和可数名词或不可数名词连用.some一般用于肯定句中;而any则用于否定句、疑问句或条件从句中,例: Tom has some picture-books. 汤姆有几本图画书. I have waited some time. 我已等了一会儿了. Have you any questions? 你有问题吗? There aren’t any pictures on the wall. 墙上没有图片. If there are any new magazines in the library, take some for me. 如果图书馆来了新杂志,替我借几本. 注意:在表示请求或建议,希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中,应用 some而不用 any,例: Would you please give me some paper? 请你给我一些纸张好吗? Would you like some sugar? 你要点糖吗?(=给你一些糖好吗?) some还可用于盼望得到肯定答复的疑问句,如: Isn’t there some ink in that bottle? 那个瓶不是还有点墨水吗? 当any表示“任何”或“无论哪一个”的意义时,可用于肯定句,此时any要重读,例: Any one will do. 任何一个都行. You may come at any time that is convenient to you. 你可以在对你方便的任何时候来. some, any和 body, one, thing构成合成代词 somebody,someone, something, anybody, anyone, anything等和 some,any的基本用法一样,由some构成的合成代词一般用于肯定句,由any构成的合成代词一般用于否定句和疑问句. 如果要在疑问句中表示请求,建议等肯定的意思或者盼望得到肯定的答复,须用somebody,someone或something. 3) many、 much和 few、little many(很多), few(很少), a few(有几个)是表示数的代词,用以代替或修饰可数名词; much(很多),little(很少), a little(有一些)是表示量的代词,用以代替或修饰不可数名词. a few和 a little表示肯定的意义,而 few和little 则表示否定意义.这些词一般作定语时较多,有时也可作主语、宾语,例: She has as many books as you. 她拥有与你同样多的书.(定语) I have few books to lend you. 我几乎没书可借给你.(定语) My mother had a little money on her. 我妈妈身边有点儿钱.(定语) Many have come to the meeting. 许多人已来开会.(主语) There is little left. 没剩多少了(主语). He knows little about it. 这事他不太了解.(宾语) How much is it? 多少钱?(表语) 注意: a lot(of), plenty of等一类的短语相当于many和much,可修饰可数或不可数名词,一般用于肯定句,例: She has a lot of books on this subject. 她有许多关于这个课题的书. 4)other(s),the other和another other表示“另一个”的意思,在句中可作主语、宾语或定语,不独立使用,通常修饰可数名词复数.其复数形式是others,可独立使用,无范围限定.other和others前面加定冠词the时是特指,表示两个中的一个;前面不带定冠词the时,表示泛指,例: I have two brothers.One is a doctor,the other is a teacher. 我有两个兄弟.一个是医生,另一个是教师.(特指,作主语) He is always ready to help others. 他总是乐意帮助别人.(泛指,作宾语) Five of them are in the classroom.What about the others? 他们中有五个人在教室里.其余的人呢?(特指,作宾语) another(另外一个,又一个)只能代替或修饰单数名词,可用作主语、宾语或定语,不独立使用.它实际上是由an+other构成的,因此前面不可再用冠词,即不定指.例: Don’t lose heart.Have another try. 别灰心,再试一次.(作定语) I have got three English novels.One is written by Charles Dickens,another(is written)by Mark Twain,and the third(is written)by Bronte. 我有三本英语小说.一本是查尔·狄更斯写的,另一本是马克·吐温写的,还有一本是布朗蒂写的.(作主语) another后面还可以跟few 或带数字的复数名词,例: Just think what our town will be like in another few years. 设想一下,再过几年我们这个城市将是什么样子. You’d better stay in bed for another two weeks. 你最好再卧床二周. 副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念.
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