Social Background
The story of Pride and Prejudice took place in the time of the Regency in Britain.At that time,Britain was at the period of transition from the earlier stage of Capitalism to Capitalist Industrialization.In the countryside,the aristocratic family still held great power and right that country squires were likely to fawn upon them.However,as the development of Capitalism and the expand of the rank of rich people,the distinction between social strata was becoming smaller and smaller,while money was getting more and more important in people’s mind about social value.A western literature critic once said that “ even David Ricardo (a British economist) had a unlikely clearer understanding about the function of money in daily life as Jane Austen had.”(3) It is exactly because of the secure pledge in finance that the country squire society could be existing strongly and solidly.
Social Background
The story of Pride and Prejudice took place in the time of the Regency in Britain.At that time,Britain was at the period of transition from the earlier stage of Capitalism to Capitalist Industrialization.In the countryside,the aristocratic family still held great power and right that country squires were likely to fawn upon them.However,as the development of Capitalism and the expand of the rank of rich people,the distinction between social strata was becoming smaller and smaller,while money was getting more and more important in people’s mind about social value.A western literature critic once said that “ even David Ricardo (a British economist) had a unlikely clearer understanding about the function of money in daily life as Jane Austen had.”(3) It is exactly because of the secure pledge in finance that the country squire society could be existing strongly and solidly.
社会背景故事发生在傲慢与偏见的时候,英国的摄政.当时,英国正处于转型时期,从前期资本主义向资本主义工业化.在乡下,世家仍握有大权的权利,并有可能媚乡绅.但是,由于资本主义的发展和扩大的队伍富人,区分社会阶层是越来越少,虽然钱越来越重要,人们的头脑对社会的价值.西方文学批评家曾说,"即使里卡多大卫(英国经济学家)有一个清晰的认识不太清在日常生活功能奥斯丁曾作为" (3)正是因为有了可靠的资金保证,在全国现有的乡绅社会能极力牢固.
- 1小标题作文是什么格式?题记呢?
- 2如图,AB是圆O 的直径,C,D 是AB 上的点,且AC=BD PQ 是圆O 上 在AB 同侧的两点,且弧AP= 弧BQ,延长PC,QD
- 3x=(y,z),y=(x,z),z=z(x,y)是F(x,y,z)=0所确定的具连续偏导数的函数,证明x对y偏导*y对z偏导*z对x偏导=-1
- 4由水电离出的OH-是10的-4次方,溶液酸碱性是什么?
- 5关于蚂蚁的作文600字
- 6君子有恶 孔子的回答认为人要具备什么品行
- 7笑()() 组词 三个字
- 8这是一把尺子用英语翻译
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- 1表达思想情感的诗词
- 2已知300=2×2×3×5×5,则300一共有多少个不同的因数?
- 3如图,将一张三角形纸片ABC折叠,点A落在A`处,若要使折痕DE//BC,则应怎样折?(不能借助工具)
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- 7小明考了十六分,一共十六道题,答对一题十分,答错一题倒扣六分,他答对了几题.用方程解
- 8一定量的盐酸和过量铁粉反应时,为了减缓反应速率,且不影响生成氢气的总量,可向盐酸中加入适量的()
- 9材料一:在浙江余姚河姆渡遗址,发现了大量的文物,普遍发现了稻谷、谷壳、稻杆和稻叶等堆积物,厚度从一二十厘米到三四十厘米,最厚处达七八十厘米.从完整谷粒外形看,属于栽培的籼稻稻谷,距今约6700——69
- 10一项工程,甲乙合作4小时完成,乙丙合作5小时完成,甲丙合作6小时完成.甲乙丙合作几小时完成?