NIPP1 is a ubiquitous nuclear protein that is required
for spliceosome assembly. We report here that the phos-
phothreonine-binding Forkhead-associated domain of
NIPP1 interacts with the cell cycle-regulated protein
Ser/Thr kinase MELK (maternal embryonic leucine zip-
per kinase). The NIPP1-MELK interaction was critically
dependent on the phosphorylaton of Thr-478 of MELK
and was increased in lysates from mitotically arrested
cells. Recombinant MELK was a potent inhibitor of an
early step of spliceosome assembly in nuclear extracts.
This splicing defect was also seen with a kinase-dead
mutant but was absent after mutation (T478A) of the
NIPP1 binding site of MELK, indicating a mediatory
role for NIPP1. Our data suggest that MELK has a role in
the cell cycle-regulated control of pre-mRNA splicing.
NIPP1 is a ubiquitous nuclear protein that is required
for spliceosome assembly. We report here that the phos-
phothreonine-binding Forkhead-associated domain of
NIPP1 interacts with the cell cycle-regulated protein
Ser/Thr kinase MELK (maternal embryonic leucine zip-
per kinase). The NIPP1-MELK interaction was critically
dependent on the phosphorylaton of Thr-478 of MELK
and was increased in lysates from mitotically arrested
cells. Recombinant MELK was a potent inhibitor of an
early step of spliceosome assembly in nuclear extracts.
This splicing defect was also seen with a kinase-dead
mutant but was absent after mutation (T478A) of the
NIPP1 binding site of MELK, indicating a mediatory
role for NIPP1. Our data suggest that MELK has a role in
the cell cycle-regulated control of pre-mRNA splicing.
- 1Time ,is the tomb of memories什么意思
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- 4请教一道高一关于正交分解法的题
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- 6若a+b=1,ab=-1,h1=a+b,h2=a^2+b^2,h3=a^3+b^3,h4=a^4+b^4
- 7关于我的老师的作文 带小标题 记叙文
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- 9随着“京剧进校园”活动的开端,不少同学对国粹京剧很感兴趣,想学唱,但又羞于开口,这是你可用俗语“___
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- 1【英语改错】下列各题中均有一处错误,找出来并订正
- 2若x2+2(m-3)x+16是完全平方式,则m的值是( ) A.-1 B.7 C.7或-1 D.5或1
- 3编写5道按比例分配应用题.
- 4从车站开出的汽车,做匀加速直线运动,走了12s时,发现还有乘客没上来,于是立即做匀减速运动至停车.汽车从开出到停止总共历时20s,行进了50m.求汽车的最大速度.
- 5刚体力学
- 6Have you decided ——————for Canada?A,when you will leave B.when you leaving
- 7在3张卡片上分别写上3个最小的既是质数又是奇数且连续的数
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- 9Sin^4xʮcos^4x=
- 10can miss white what do 连词成句英语