用英文回答:怎样成为一个多文化翻译的人(a multicultural person).越多越好.(注:用英文回答).
用英文回答:怎样成为一个多文化翻译的人(a multicultural person).越多越好.(注:用英文回答).
A multicultural person is someone who is deeply convinced that all cultures are equally good,enjoys learning the rich variety of cultures in the world,and most likely has been exposed to more than one culture in his or her lifetime.
In order to be a multicultural person,you cannot motivate anyone,especially someone of another culture,until that person has accepted you.No one likes foreigners who are arrogant about their own culture.You will learn to respect others.
You need to be open to a variety of culture,maybe you do not like all of them,but you can not neglect any of them.Take all the opportunities to contact with diverse culiture if you can.
A multicultural person will be good at communication especially when meet foreigners.So if you happen to be able to a lot of foreign languages that will be very helpful.
你自己再想想吧 如果你会接触到这话题,说明你应该了解的更多的
In order to be a multicultural person,you cannot motivate anyone,especially someone of another culture,until that person has accepted you.No one likes foreigners who are arrogant about their own culture.You will learn to respect others.
You need to be open to a variety of culture,maybe you do not like all of them,but you can not neglect any of them.Take all the opportunities to contact with diverse culiture if you can.
A multicultural person will be good at communication especially when meet foreigners.So if you happen to be able to a lot of foreign languages that will be very helpful.
你自己再想想吧 如果你会接触到这话题,说明你应该了解的更多的
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