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Seatbelts are the main safety measure in cars which are installed due to Newton’s first Laws.For example,a car suddenly stop the occupants of the car will continue to move at the same speed and in the same direction that the car was moving unless acted upon by an external force bringing passengers to rest in accordance to Newton's first law.The seatbelt acts as an external force bringing driver to rest in accordance to Newton's first law.If the driver is not wearing the seatbelt,they would easily to collide to the glass port,or fly out of the car,this as a consequence suffer life injuries or even death.Use an equation to show is that:A=V-Vo/t where V is the final velocity of the car and Vo is the initial speed of the driver which in this case is the speed of the car before braking.In accordance to Newton’s law,a force is reduced so will the force acting on the person as F=ma.
Airbag is an important safety,every time you driver your car,you are being protected by an airbags.From the Newton's first law acting as an external force and bringing a person to rest and that person is still travelling at the same speed and in the same direction that the car was travelling.The moment the sensor for the airbag detects a sudden deceleration,an electrical spark ignites the compound sodium azide inside the bag producing nitrogen gas and the bag inflates.
The airbag is designed to prevent important injury to the occupant’s head and chest and as soon as it is struck it begins to inflate at a steady rate thus preventing any bouncing and serious injury due to impact with it.This has the effect of bringing the person to rest over an extended period of time therefore reducing the amount of acceleration experienced.In accordance to Newton’s second law,as acceleration is reduced so is the amount of force acting on the person.


Seatbelts are the main safety measure in cars which are installed due to Newton’s first Laws. For example, a car suddenly stops,then the occupants of the car will continue to move at the same speed i...
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