A defendant in a lawsuit told his (1) that if he should lose the case,he would be (2).Knowing that it was extremely difficult to (3) and some key witnesses would (4) the necessary testimony ((证词),the defendant suggested sending the judge (5).The lawyer said that a trick like that would (6) the judge (7) him,and he would certainly (8).
Then in due course of time,the judge passed a decision (9) the defendant.He thanked the lawyer for (10) about the cigars,saying the little gift to the judge did (11).The lawyer could hardly believe it,but the defendant explained that he sent the cigars to the judge,but (12) the plaintiff's (原告) (13).
A defendant in a lawsuit told his (1) that if he should lose the case,he would be (2).Knowing that it was extremely difficult to (3) and some key witnesses would (4) the necessary testimony ((证词),the defendant suggested sending the judge (5).The lawyer said that a trick like that would (6) the judge (7) him,and he would certainly (8).
Then in due course of time,the judge passed a decision (9) the defendant.He thanked the lawyer for (10) about the cigars,saying the little gift to the judge did (11).The lawyer could hardly believe it,but the defendant explained that he sent the cigars to the judge,but (12) the plaintiff's (原告) (13).
(2)greatly appreciated
(10) talked
(2)greatly appreciated
(10) talked
- 1描写最长的头发的诗句,要1句.
- 2千钧一发指的是什么动物
- 3已知正比例函数y=kx的图像与一次函数y=k2x-9的图像相交于P(3,-6).(1)求k1和k2的值.(2)如果一次函数
- 4李白无事街上走,提壶去买酒,遇店加一倍,见花喝一斗(斗为古代盛器皿),三遇店和花喝完壶中酒,问壶中原有多少斗酒?
- 5若【3x的平方-3x+2】 -【-x的平方+3x-3】=ax的平方-BX+c 则abc的值为
- 6(X+5)²=16、√(-6)²+³√27-(√5)²
- 7Folin-酚测定蛋白质含量实验对标准蛋白质的材料有什么要求?
- 8英文(——)为填空内容 ——(Be)sarah busy last weekend?No,she——.
- 9今生你我又相遇用英语怎么说?we found each other once again in this lifetime?
- 10自来水表是由八个不同单位,到处多乘以各自的单位下表是小红家2012年12月抄的水表数据计算小红佳节至12月份,共用水多少立方米
- 1Dedicated to the one that got away from
- 2我的玫瑰在哪里? 英文翻译
- 3估计下列各组数的大小:【1】√17和4,【2】√10-1/2和1
- 4和季羡林一起逝世的是谁
- 5项目 含义 形状 是否平行 长度 指示方向 经线 纬线
- 6世界最高峰是珠穆朗玛峰,高8844M,陆上最低处是位于亚洲西部名为死海的湖.高392M,两处高度相差多少?这本来是有画图的,这是初一数学有理数减法课后的习题.看起来确实挺简单的,但现在这是初一的,我想
- 7三个质数倒数的和倒数是10571,这三个质数的和是多少?
- 8一道科学题,密度的
- 9已知有含盐20%和含盐8%的盐水,
- 10求一篇80个字左右英语作文