look at the paragraph below do you know why these things were developed or invented a few years ago
look at the paragraph below do you know why these things were developed or invented a few years ago masaru ibuka the head of Sony was at a company planning meeting Suddenly he had an idea he stooped the meeting and asked everyone what would happen if Sony took away the recording function and speakers and sold headphones with a tape player instead Almost everyone thought he was silly Still Ibuka kept his idea ang worked at it the result of couse turned out to be the successful Sony Walkman
look at the paragraph below do you know why these things were developed or invented a few years ago masaru ibuka the head of Sony was at a company planning meeting Suddenly he had an idea he stooped the meeting and asked everyone what would happen if Sony took away the recording function and speakers and sold headphones with a tape player instead Almost everyone thought he was silly Still Ibuka kept his idea ang worked at it the result of couse turned out to be the successful Sony Walkman
看下面的段落,你知道这些事情是如何发展的么?几年前,马萨 阿布卡,索尼董事长在一个公司计划一场会议.突然,他有了一个新的想法.他停止了会议,问大家如果所以放弃了做录音机和话筒,然后去做电话作为替代,会发生什么事....
- 1如图,在梯形ABCD中,E是AB的中点,F是AD的中点,已知三角形BCE的面积为6平方厘
- 2有没有简单的方差计算公式
- 3食品是人类赖以生存的能源和发展的物质基础,食品安全对人类的生存和健康发展尤其重要.随着国民经济的迅速发展,人民的物质生活水平日益提高,食品的种类也越来越丰富,工商所食品监督管理的作用日益突现,并取得了
- 4构成机器的要素有哪些
- 5请举个例子 无理数加无理数等于有理数?
- 6氨水分别和硝酸,硫酸,盐酸反应的方程式
- 7还原糖实验 胡萝卜代替苹果
- 8负数开三次方是什么数
- 9一根长2a的木根AB,斜靠在与地面OM垂直的墙ON上,设木棍的中点为P,如果木棍A端沿墙下滑,且B端沿地面向右滑
- 10精卫顾炎武阅读题
- 1动物细胞有没有纺锤丝?
- 2on the Festival Eve a_____the family membe
- 3一质量为70kg的人乘电梯下楼,当人开动电梯后,电梯以3m/s2的加速度加速下降,这时他对电梯地板的压力多大
- 4建筑和装修材料中化学用品的名称以及主要成分和用途.
- 5某工程队3分之2小时开凿了5分之3米,2分之1小时开凿山洞多少米?
- 6分式 分式的值与代数式的值相吻合吗?
- 70.33和0.3/3是无限循环谁大
- 8将f(x)=ln(1+x)展开成的幂级,并求收敛域
- 9影响土地侵蚀程度的因素有什么,什么,什么?
- 10甲乙两车从相距208千米的两地同时出发,相向而行,经过7/4小时相遇.甲车每小时行70千米,乙车每小时行多少