一般过去时to be句型 和to do句型各造5句!共10句
He entered an international school to improve his English.
He wanted to go to USA one day.
She dressed strangely to scare the others.
She arrived there only to find the train had gone.
He came to school earlier yesterday to clean the class room.
Lily dreamed to be a dancer when she was young.
He worked hard to be the best in his class.
She ate a lot to be a taller girl.
Tom learnt every thing dilligently to be smarter.
She was raised up to be the hope of her family.
He wanted to go to USA one day.
She dressed strangely to scare the others.
She arrived there only to find the train had gone.
He came to school earlier yesterday to clean the class room.
Lily dreamed to be a dancer when she was young.
He worked hard to be the best in his class.
She ate a lot to be a taller girl.
Tom learnt every thing dilligently to be smarter.
She was raised up to be the hope of her family.
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- 5what does volaemic mean is?
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- 7as i grow old 还是as i grow older i cared more for my parents.
- 82014年的目标:进军外企.帮忙翻译下英语
- 9在长为12cm的线段AB上任取一点M,并以线段AM为一边作正方形,则此正方形的面积介于36cm2与81cm2之间的概率为( ) A.116 B.18 C.14 D.12
- 10了我.要是作文,真实.可以填误解,冤枉,委屈,开导,鼓励,鞭策.要是600字的.
- 1在1999年 用英语怎么写?
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- 4求关于北京奥运对中国的影响的英文材料
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- 6后母的三巴掌 本文描写人物用得最多的一种方法是:()描写
- 717分之8*9分之2+17分之2*9分之8
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- 10一个人平均每天要饮用大约0.0015m³的各种液体(下面)