1.They have_______ prices of medicines for the benefit of the people.
A.figured out B.stood by C.brought down D.composed of
2.How could he_____ believing that she was changing her mind.
A.expose to B.contribute to C.break into D.keep from
3.You have done quite enough work for today,now_________ for a bit.
A.make it way B.make it relaxed C.take it relaxed D.take it easy
4.They were______ firm in their opposition to the constitution.
A.elegantly B.absolutely C.evenly D.exactly
5.They must be much annoyed that the buses here come and go___________.
A.lately B.unsteadily C.frankly D.unequally
A.figured out B.stood by C.brought down D.composed of
2.How could he_____ believing that she was changing her mind.
A.expose to B.contribute to C.break into D.keep from
3.You have done quite enough work for today,now_________ for a bit.
A.make it way B.make it relaxed C.take it relaxed D.take it easy
4.They were______ firm in their opposition to the constitution.
A.elegantly B.absolutely C.evenly D.exactly
5.They must be much annoyed that the buses here come and go___________.
A.lately B.unsteadily C.frankly D.unequally
1.C bring down 降低
2.D keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 原句为:How could he keep you from believing that she was changing her mind?句意为:他怎么可能阻止你相信她在改变主意?
3.D take it easy 放松
4.B absolutely 绝对地,完全地
5.B unsteadily 不稳定地,在这可理解为反复无常地,没有规律地
2.D keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 原句为:How could he keep you from believing that she was changing her mind?句意为:他怎么可能阻止你相信她在改变主意?
3.D take it easy 放松
4.B absolutely 绝对地,完全地
5.B unsteadily 不稳定地,在这可理解为反复无常地,没有规律地
- 1How to describe a computer in English
- 2在直角三角形ABC中,角C为直角,AC等于根号3,BC等于2,则tanB/2等于
- 3在2到99之间选两个整数,告诉A两数之和,告诉B两数之积.
- 4一个圆柱,他的底面积不变,如果高增加2厘米,表面积就增加62.8平方厘米.这个圆柱的体积增 加多少
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- 6张老师说:“我们合唱队有126人.李老师说:"你们合唱队的人数比我们美术组人数的3倍少9人.美术组有多少人
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- 1一家计算机专买店A型计算器每只进价12元,售价20元,多买优惠:凡是一次买10只以上的,每多买一只,所买的全部计算器每只就降低0.10元,例如,某人买20只计算器,于是每只降价0.10×(20-
- 2小儿垂钓中“怕得鱼惊不应人”“应”读几音
- 3half past twelve是morning还是afternoon还是evening?只能在这三个中选
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- 5【科学如何解释鬼神之说?】
- 6偏铝酸根与铝离子反应的实质
- 7环状化合物上的手性碳如何判断RS构型
- 8用恰当的关联词填空
- 9小华用米尺从一头量到3米处做一个记号A,在从另一头量到3米处做一个记号B,这时AB之间的距离正好是竹竿长的10%,竹竿长多少米
- 10已知三棱锥A-BCD中,AB⊥平面BCD,平面ABC⊥平面ACD,求证BC⊥CD