Directions:For this part,you are required to write a composition in no more than 120 words,on the topic:Is Failure a Bad Thing?You should base your composition on the following outline:1.Failure as a daily occurrence 2.People‘s different attitudes towards failure 3.My attitude towards it
Directions:For this part,you are required to write a composition in no more than 120 words,on the topic:Is Failure a Bad Thing?You should base your composition on the following outline:1.Failure as a daily occurrence 2.People‘s different attitudes towards failure 3.My attitude towards it
Is failure a bad thing?
Not everyone is saint so everyone makes mistakes.Not everyday is sunny so there ought to be rains.In the same way,not everything could be totally all right for us to always success.In other words,failure is objectively existed,which you can never deny.Since failure is a daily occurrence and sometimes we just can't avoid it,different people will have different attitudes towards it.Pessimistic people will be upset by the failure and after a few similar suffering they even go to the dogs and never succeed again.But to some other optimistic people like me,failure is just the mother of success but not a bad thing.I always believe in 'No pain,no gain.'Failure teaches me how to prevent it happening again and find another way to reach success.
Not everyone is saint so everyone makes mistakes.Not everyday is sunny so there ought to be rains.In the same way,not everything could be totally all right for us to always success.In other words,failure is objectively existed,which you can never deny.Since failure is a daily occurrence and sometimes we just can't avoid it,different people will have different attitudes towards it.Pessimistic people will be upset by the failure and after a few similar suffering they even go to the dogs and never succeed again.But to some other optimistic people like me,failure is just the mother of success but not a bad thing.I always believe in 'No pain,no gain.'Failure teaches me how to prevent it happening again and find another way to reach success.
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