I do not know how recent is it?! I want to escape, but do not know at what to avoid! Why do I say? Why do I always like this? Who can tell me?
Why do I care about to the end can only helplessly watched it the outflow of people Me too, I would have pain, why can not people understand me?!
I do not want to make other people thinking that she, I just want to live my own, for parents to live. To do my own, very simple own! Why are unwilling to give me a chance?!
I quickly collapse. Really tired,.
I do not know how recent is it?! I want to escape, but do not know at what to avoid! Why do I say? Why do I always like this? Who can tell me?
Why do I care about to the end can only helplessly watched it the outflow of people Me too, I would have pain, why can not people understand me?!
I do not want to make other people thinking that she, I just want to live my own, for parents to live. To do my own, very simple own! Why are unwilling to give me a chance?!
I quickly collapse. Really tired,.
- 1for sell $30 we pants only 连词成句
- 2红磷燃烧实验水倒吸超过五分之一的原因?在水里当你变成原子大小时你看到的景象是什么样的?
- 3某厂五月份产值52.5万元,比四月份增产百分之5,四月份产值多少万元?
- 4黄色台风预警信号的含义是什么?用英语
- 5假设你叫susan,暑假在澳大利亚Ms Brown家度过两周,现在你回国,给他写一份感谢信
- 6shuttle和badminton的区别是什么?(都是羽毛球的意思)
- 7y=f(x)的反函数为y=f^-1(x)是1/fx
- 8D,E,H,G,M,I,J,O,等字母组成英文单词
- 92.根据质量守恒定律,在4A+5B2=2X的反应中,X的化学式为( ) A.A2B5 B.AB2 C.A3B2 D.A4B5
- 10函数极限的定义证明
- 1己知实数a、b、c满足|a-b|+√2b+c 加c²=c-4分之1,则a(b+c)的值为?
- 2嫦娥 诗人借嫦娥奔月的故事发表内心的什么感受
- 3f(x)是凹函数,为什么它的一阶导数恒不等于0
- 4设△ABC的外接圆半径为4,且sinBsinC+sin²B+sin²,C=sin²A,则a=?
- 5人教版八年级上册数学等腰三角形12·3·1课堂抢分第三题 如图在△ABC中AB=AC角BAD=20°且AE=AD则角CDE=( )
- 6x-1的绝对值 与(y-1)的平方 互为相反数 求3x+y的值
- 7一旅游团51人到一旅社住宿,旅社的客房有标准间(即双人间)和三人间,现能提供俩种客房共21间
- 8Old people still want____beautiful!
- 9人体哪个器官水最多?
- 10蓝蓝的天空,电杆之间连着几痕细线,多么像五线谱啊!这句话是错 还是对