When solutions containing 1.00 g of BaCl2 and 1.00 g of Na2SO4 were mixed,solid
BaSO4 formed.The BaSO4 precipitate was filtered out of the solution,allowed to
dry,and then weighed.The mass of BaSO4 that was isolated from solution was
1.04 g.Use this information to answer the following questions.Pay close attention
to the proper use and reporting of significant figures and units.You must show all
of your work (i.e.,your calculations) for full credit.
(b) Calculate the moles of BaCl2 that are available for reaction.
(c) Calculate the grams of BaSO4 that should form if all of the available BaCl2
(d) Calculate the moles of Na2SO4 that are available for reaction.
(e) Calculate the grams of BaSO4 that should form if all of the available Na2SO4
(f) Which reactant (BaCl2 or Na2SO4) is the limiting reagent in this reaction?
(g) What is the theoretical yield of BaSO4?
(h) What is the percent yield of BaSO4?(See Section 4.3 of your textbook for
information regarding the calculation of a percent yield.)
(i) If this reaction went to completion,then how many grams of the excess reagent
should remain after the reaction is complete?
BaSO4 formed.The BaSO4 precipitate was filtered out of the solution,allowed to
dry,and then weighed.The mass of BaSO4 that was isolated from solution was
1.04 g.Use this information to answer the following questions.Pay close attention
to the proper use and reporting of significant figures and units.You must show all
of your work (i.e.,your calculations) for full credit.
(b) Calculate the moles of BaCl2 that are available for reaction.
(c) Calculate the grams of BaSO4 that should form if all of the available BaCl2
(d) Calculate the moles of Na2SO4 that are available for reaction.
(e) Calculate the grams of BaSO4 that should form if all of the available Na2SO4
(f) Which reactant (BaCl2 or Na2SO4) is the limiting reagent in this reaction?
(g) What is the theoretical yield of BaSO4?
(h) What is the percent yield of BaSO4?(See Section 4.3 of your textbook for
information regarding the calculation of a percent yield.)
(i) If this reaction went to completion,then how many grams of the excess reagent
should remain after the reaction is complete?
b) 1.00/208.23 = 0.00480 mol
c) 0.00480*233.43 = 1.12g
d) 1.00/142.04 = 0.00704
e) 0.00704*233.43 = 1.64g
f) BaCl2 is the limiting reagent,since it's availability is lower at 0.00480mol.
g) The theoretical yield is 1.12g.
h)1.04/1.12 * 100% = 92.9%
i) There will be following amount of NaSO4:
(0.00704-0.00480)*142.04 = 0.318g
c) 0.00480*233.43 = 1.12g
d) 1.00/142.04 = 0.00704
e) 0.00704*233.43 = 1.64g
f) BaCl2 is the limiting reagent,since it's availability is lower at 0.00480mol.
g) The theoretical yield is 1.12g.
h)1.04/1.12 * 100% = 92.9%
i) There will be following amount of NaSO4:
(0.00704-0.00480)*142.04 = 0.318g
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