改错Three Americans are travel in the mountains in England
In the Northwest,there will be strong wind in the nighe.
The girl makes a living by sell flowers.
Don't go out in such a bad weather.
There will be a heavy snow to the north of Huanghe River.
How will the weather be like tomorrow
In the Northwest,there will be strong wind in the nighe.
The girl makes a living by sell flowers.
Don't go out in such a bad weather.
There will be a heavy snow to the north of Huanghe River.
How will the weather be like tomorrow
are travelling
a strong wind
by selling flowers
in such bad weather.
in the north
How will the weather be tomorrow或者What will the weather be like tomorrow
a strong wind
by selling flowers
in such bad weather.
in the north
How will the weather be tomorrow或者What will the weather be like tomorrow
- 1too.to 结构,前面的动词,一般都是be动词吗?
- 2to find a job or to have postgraduate study after you graduate from university?
- 31.( )而谈
- 4What do most people use?
- 5本来是time-dependent和dose-dependent,然后有人把两个合在一起说成:time and dose-dependent,可以吗
- 6世界上最大的海底动物是什么动物?
- 7当时钟是1点45分时,分针和时针所成的钝角是_ 度.
- 8co-cultural dimensions of a diverse society是什么意思?
- 9设A为n阶实对称矩阵,且满足A3+A2+A=3E,证明A是正定矩阵.
- 10植物细胞渗透压靠什么(Na还是K)维持?Na是植物所必须的吗,另外,Cl-对渗透压起作用吗?
- 1I know how to cook some simple dishes because my mum showed me
- 2一个九位数和一个十位数,它们省略亿位后面的尾数后所得的近似数同样大,这个九位数最小是_,这个十位数最大是_.
- 313.15 76.38 15.12 15.12 18.24 34.17 8.9 的最小公倍数?快!现在就要!~!~!
- 4请问一道数学题!4、11、20、29、30、() 后面那一个该填多少?
- 5求“不自见故明,不自是故彰,不自伐故有功,不自矜故长.夫唯不争,故天下莫能与之争.”的具体含义.
- 6你为什么这样说我
- 7英语翻译
- 8为了探究种子萌发时所需的条件,某学生设计了三个实验装置(A,B和C),放在阳光下,如下图所示:(1)根据以
- 9测量室外空气的温度,为什么不能把温度计放在太阳光直接照射的地方?
- 10求y=-2除以x平方+2x-1 的值域