Hello everybody,I'm'''''''.I come from'''''''
'Both of my parents are simple and hard-working famers.I'm a Tujia boy.The Tujia people are very polite,.They will greet each other and treat their guests kindly,Usually the Tujia have simple meals,but when they have guests ,they 'll firstly treat them with a bowl of Glutinous rice wine in summer and steamed glutinous rice which we call Tuan san in winter,then fine food and wine.In general ,treating guests with tea means serving them with oil-tea,Yin rice ,Tangyuan or fried eggs.Feast is needed for wedding,funeral or the celebrate before building new houses and reparing the old ones.In the feast ,there are always 7 ,9 or 11 dishes per table.8 or 10 dishes per table is not allowed and impolite cause the table with 8 dishes are considered as beggers' meal and the number 10 has the same pronunciation with stone in Chinese.
Welcom to my hometown !
'Both of my parents are simple and hard-working famers.I'm a Tujia boy.The Tujia people are very polite,.They will greet each other and treat their guests kindly,Usually the Tujia have simple meals,but when they have guests ,they 'll firstly treat them with a bowl of Glutinous rice wine in summer and steamed glutinous rice which we call Tuan san in winter,then fine food and wine.In general ,treating guests with tea means serving them with oil-tea,Yin rice ,Tangyuan or fried eggs.Feast is needed for wedding,funeral or the celebrate before building new houses and reparing the old ones.In the feast ,there are always 7 ,9 or 11 dishes per table.8 or 10 dishes per table is not allowed and impolite cause the table with 8 dishes are considered as beggers' meal and the number 10 has the same pronunciation with stone in Chinese.
Welcom to my hometown !
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- 2直角三角形的角平分线、中线和高的大小关系是?
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- 7几道小学数学题(用设数法解题)
- 8X的平方+X等于2X平方还是X的三次方
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- 1如果两个因式的积为零.那么这两个因式 等于零.反之.如果两个因式中有 等
- 2f(x)的定义域[-1,4],则函数f(x+1)的定义域
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- 8从爱的教育中得到的启示
- 91/x=2/(y-x)=3/(z-y),求(y+z)/x的值(要过程)
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