when irish writer george bernard shaw visited new zealand in the 1930s,a reporter asked
what he thought about the place.shaw replied:“too many sheep.”
in new zealand,there are 40 million sheep.the number is 10 times as many as that of people in the country.so there are a lot of jokes about new zealand and sheep.
since there are so many sheep,for years,new zealand sent meat and wool to countries
like britain.
agriculture has become less inportant recently.most new zealand live in cities,and only
a small number still run sheep farms.
new zealand is a beautiful place,with rivers,mountains and endless green plains.have you seen the lord of the rings films?they were all filmed in new zealand.the movies are an advertisement for the country’s beauty.
the maoris are the original people of the country.they make up 15% of new zealanders.
most new zealands now use maori words in everyday life.maori and english are the offcial languages.
when irish writer george bernard shaw visited new zealand in the 1930s,a reporter asked
what he thought about the place.shaw replied:“too many sheep.”
in new zealand,there are 40 million sheep.the number is 10 times as many as that of people in the country.so there are a lot of jokes about new zealand and sheep.
since there are so many sheep,for years,new zealand sent meat and wool to countries
like britain.
agriculture has become less inportant recently.most new zealand live in cities,and only
a small number still run sheep farms.
new zealand is a beautiful place,with rivers,mountains and endless green plains.have you seen the lord of the rings films?they were all filmed in new zealand.the movies are an advertisement for the country’s beauty.
the maoris are the original people of the country.they make up 15% of new zealanders.
most new zealands now use maori words in everyday life.maori and english are the offcial languages.
1、george bernard shaw
3、meat and wool
4、yes,it was
5、the maoris
6、maori and english
3、meat and wool
4、yes,it was
5、the maoris
6、maori and english
- 1车正常行驶速度是54km/h,自行车正常骑行速度5m/s,汽车速度是自行车速度的____倍,若它们
- 2已知二次函数y=ax方+bx+c的图像经过一次函数y=-2/3+3的图像与x轴y轴的交点,并且过点(1,1).求二次函数解析式
- 3中心对称图形是_____图形与他本身的位置关系
- 4小于3分之1而大于4分之1的分数
- 5孟德尔分离定律问题
- 6在Rt△ABC中,两直角边分别为a、b,设h为斜边上的高,则1/h2=1/a2+1/b2,由此类比:三棱锥S-ABC中的三条侧棱SA、SB、SC两两垂直,且长度分别为a、b、c,设棱锥底面ABC上的高
- 7当x=( )时 x除以3的值等于0 当x=( )时,2x+3的值等于8.
- 8读孤岂欲卿治经为博士邪!但当涉猎,见往事耳.卿言多务,孰若孤?孤常读书,自以为大有所益.的语气
- 9中心对称图形与轴对称图形的区别
- 10中国共产党以人为本是如何体现人类认识过程的
- 1【x-y-z]的2次方用完全平方公式计算
- 2有人在吗.高一物理★★一初速度V竖直上抛一个质量为m的小球,小球运动过程中所受阻力大小不变
- 3要制得氧化钙7t的生石灰,需煅烧含多少碳酸钙的石灰石?
- 4你的家乡在哪里、有大山吗?
- 5想问一下穿蓝色衣服是dress blue,wear blue还是dress in blue?
- 6有两盏白炽灯L1、L2,L1标有“PX220 100”字样,L2标有“PX220 40”字样.将这两盏灯串联接在电压为220V的电源两端,已知两灯都发光,灯L1的电阻小于灯L2的电阻,请你判断哪盏灯的
- 7差的多音字
- 8数列1/1,1/2,2/2,1/3,2/3,3/3,1/4,2/4,3/4,4/4,1/5,2/5……则此数列第100个是?
- 9谁可以帮我找一首古诗叫《送元二使安西》
- 101.32是一个()位小数,它的计算单位是(),有()个这样的计数单位