高考英语作文 I Love Beijing
写一篇 90-120 词左右的描写文,要求语句通顺.Topic:I Love Beijing Questions:Why do you love Beijing?The beautiful and important city.Hints:1.the capital of China; 2.the great changes in Beijing since 1978; 3.the open-door policy (开放政策) of our country(owing to……,because of……); 4.the centre of politics,economy and culture (经济、文化) 5.the famous spots (景点) :the Great Wall,the Forbidden City,the Summer Palace…… 6.the 2008 Olympic Games
写一篇 90-120 词左右的描写文,要求语句通顺.Topic:I Love Beijing Questions:Why do you love Beijing?The beautiful and important city.Hints:1.the capital of China; 2.the great changes in Beijing since 1978; 3.the open-door policy (开放政策) of our country(owing to……,because of……); 4.the centre of politics,economy and culture (经济、文化) 5.the famous spots (景点) :the Great Wall,the Forbidden City,the Summer Palace…… 6.the 2008 Olympic Games
I Love Beijing Beijing, the capital of China, is a very beautiful and important city, which is one of the ancient cities in China. There are many famous wonders and beautiful spots, such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace, Beihai Park and so on. Beijing is also the centre of politics, economy and culture of our country. Owing to the open-door policy, great changes have taken place since 1978. Many new houses and tall buildings can be seen everywhere. Peole's living condition is getting better and better. Beijing has been successfully in her bidding for the 2008 Olympic Games. I'm sure greater changes will take place in Beijing in the next few years. I love Beijing.
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