One way people learn about the culture and habits of others is through the use of visual (sight) cues.
The problem with this:
We see through the eyes of our own culture.
-The practices of our own culture influence not only how we think and act toward other cultures.
-It's very difficult to stop thinking the way we have for so many years and begin thinking the same way as the new culture.
-However,we can make an effort to try to see other culture through open eyes.
-If we do this we,we lower the number of misunderstandings when dealing with people of the cultures,
-If we don't at least try to do this,many misunderstand will occur,this may mean someone will be offended.
-If someone is offended,they may do something to offended us.Even is they don't want to offend us,they may stop trying to see our culture through open eyes,
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One way people learn about the culture and habits of others is through the use of visual (sight) cues.
The problem with this:
We see through the eyes of our own culture.
-The practices of our own culture influence not only how we think and act toward other cultures.
-It's very difficult to stop thinking the way we have for so many years and begin thinking the same way as the new culture.
-However,we can make an effort to try to see other culture through open eyes.
-If we do this we,we lower the number of misunderstandings when dealing with people of the cultures,
-If we don't at least try to do this,many misunderstand will occur,this may mean someone will be offended.
-If someone is offended,they may do something to offended us.Even is they don't want to offend us,they may stop trying to see our culture through open eyes,
翻译的好 追加50分.
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