Task 2
Ma Li will have an interview for the office manager job tomorrow. She is now worried about what she should say during the interview, so she asks her neighbor Liu Lu, an experienced secretary, for help.
“Just be your self,” says Liu Lu.
“But that’s hard,” says Ma Li
“Well, if you follow my advice, you’ll probably get the job,” Liu Lu says, Set out to do your homework. Find out about the company and gain some insight into what the requirements of the position are. Do an excellent job of selling yourself and, without seeming to brag(吹嘘) or being dishonest, convince the employer you have the skills and qualities that match the requirements. On top of that, make them believe you’ll fit in and be part of the team. You have to know what their company culture is like, what kind of people they are, and what kind of team you’ll be joining.”
“I see your point. That sounds like a lot of work. Maybe more than I can do.” Ma Li still worries.
Task 2
Ma Li will have an interview for the office manager job tomorrow. She is now worried about what she should say during the interview, so she asks her neighbor Liu Lu, an experienced secretary, for help.
“Just be your self,” says Liu Lu.
“But that’s hard,” says Ma Li
“Well, if you follow my advice, you’ll probably get the job,” Liu Lu says, Set out to do your homework. Find out about the company and gain some insight into what the requirements of the position are. Do an excellent job of selling yourself and, without seeming to brag(吹嘘) or being dishonest, convince the employer you have the skills and qualities that match the requirements. On top of that, make them believe you’ll fit in and be part of the team. You have to know what their company culture is like, what kind of people they are, and what kind of team you’ll be joining.”
“I see your point. That sounds like a lot of work. Maybe more than I can do.” Ma Li still worries.
【1】C an experienced secretary Liu是一位有经验的秘书【2】D if you follow my advice AB与原文意不符,C包含在D中【3】A convince the employer you have the skills and qualities that match the requirements...
- 1雅思作文批改.请高手指点和打分.
- 2where does Lily live?的意思
- 3Jason这个词的音标是什么阿(怎么念)?
- 4一个修路队修一条路,6天后还剩下全长的8分之5,照这样的速度,修完这条路还需要多少天?
- 5有没有这样一个完全平方数,各个数位上数字之和等于100?
- 6求一个正则表达式,匹配:全英文带空格或者全中文
- 7可以用v(N2),v(H2),v(NH3)来表示合成氨反应的化学反应速率,下列关系中正确的是 A.6V(N2)=
- 8把一堆底面周长为12.56米,高2米的圆锥形沙堆,铺在宽5米,厚2厘米的路上,能铺多长?(保留一位小数)
- 9若a,b,c分别是△ABC的三条边长,且a2-6a+b2-10c+c2=8b-50,则这个三角形的形状是_.
- 1030和105相同的素因数有几?
- 1从O点发出四条射线,OA,OB,OC,OD,已知∠AOC=∠BOD=90°
- 2下面有“十.九.禾.青”四个字,请你在中间的空白处填上一字,使它分别与这四个字构成新字.
- 3如图(a)所示,在盛有水的圆筒形容器内,铁块甲放在木块乙上,木块乙浮在水面上,木块受的浮力为F,水对容器底部的压强为P,水面距容器底部的高度为h.现将甲取下并用轻绳系在乙的
- 4用排水法收集3瓶每瓶250ml的氧气,需称取的氯酸钾质量为2.74g 氧气密度1.43g每l 这句话咋不对了
- 5有没有关与王国维人生三大境界的通俗一点解释
- 6第4课 的两首古诗分别是哪两首故事?
- 7导体内电场线方向为什么沿导线切线方向
- 8You are not___(tell)anything about our plan.
- 9判断题,1.一个自然数不是奇数就是偶数.
- 1045.5%和3.8%化成最简分数是多少?