There was heavy snow and windy weather in Chicago on monday ,and there was also heavy rain on the west coast of the United States---especially in and around the city of San Francisco Things were no better on the other side of the world in Australia---there was quite heavy rain in the state of Queensland, with 475 mm of rain falling in just five days. In southwest Europe , there was hotter ,sunny weather with the town of Jerez de la Frontera in the south of Spain the hottest place. The temperature was 30 degrees, the warmest so far this year. It wasn't all good news in Europ, however . There was heavy snow in the Balkans,and parts of northeastern Italy on Monday and Tuesday .Things are getting a little better in the city of Irkutsk, in eastern Siberia, however ,the temperature went above zero degrees for the first time since last November.
There was heavy snow and windy weather in Chicago on monday ,and there was also heavy rain on the west coast of the United States---especially in and around the city of San Francisco Things were no better on the other side of the world in Australia---there was quite heavy rain in the state of Queensland, with 475 mm of rain falling in just five days. In southwest Europe , there was hotter ,sunny weather with the town of Jerez de la Frontera in the south of Spain the hottest place. The temperature was 30 degrees, the warmest so far this year. It wasn't all good news in Europ, however . There was heavy snow in the Balkans,and parts of northeastern Italy on Monday and Tuesday .Things are getting a little better in the city of Irkutsk, in eastern Siberia, however ,the temperature went above zero degrees for the first time since last November.
上面是机译的 补充:星期一在 芝加哥 有 大雪 和多风的天气,在美国西海岸---尤其是在 旧金山 市和它周围也有大雨.世界另一面,事情还更糟,澳大利亚 昆士兰州 ---有相当大雨,在5天后就有475毫米的降雨出现.欧洲西南地区,持续有晴 热天 气城市,赫雷斯 因而成为了西班牙南部的最热的地方!温度高达30度,是今年迄今为止最热的一天.但是,在欧洲这不是所有的“好”消息.在 巴尔干 地区以及意大利东北部的部分地区,在周一和周二有大雪.在城市俄罗斯 伊尔库茨克 ,事情有点好,但是也是东西伯利亚在去年11月,第一次温度高于零摄氏度.补充:不行就追问,别关,这是一篇通报了 全球气候变暖 造成的后果分析,列举不同城市的情况,表达了对世界气候局势的关心 补充:机译是行不通的
- 1沙漠里的沙子是黄色的还是灰白色的
- 2甲,乙两地铁路长396km,一列火车和一列客车分别从甲,乙两地同时出发,相向而行.客车每小时行110km,货车每
- 3若KI将溶液滴加至过量的AgNO3溶液中,形成AgI的溶胶中,加入下列不同电解质溶液,则使溶胶在一定时间内完全聚沉所需电解质的量最少的是哪个?
- 4long的解释
- 5very in popular you english world know is the
- 6do you know when basketball was invented?
- 7The momerial trail has vanished I believe you are right!.
- 8it is generally believed that teaching is as much an art as it is science
- 9如果我证明了哥德巴赫猜想?
- 10季羡林散文《听雨》 原文