请问老师:根据对话内容,从方框内的七个选 项中选 了同五项能填入空白外的选项
选项:A.do you hate the life here?
B.my parents would like me to go to college?
C.do you know my parents never went to college?
D.tell me more about your plan please.
E.nearly three years has passed since we came here.
F.are you used to the life here?
G.it's hard to know what will happen in the future.
A:how time flies!---------------------
B:that's right .byt the way,what are you going to do after leaving school?
A;i'm not sure.------------------------
B;i'm different.i expect to have a new start.
A;what do you mean?--------------------------
B;of course not.i mean i will have a better future.
A;sounds great.---------------------------------
B;i wish i could go to a great high school.
A;however,your dream seems to have nothing special.
B;yes,it does.-----------------------so they hope i can achieve their dream.
A;oh,i get it now.
选项:A.do you hate the life here?
B.my parents would like me to go to college?
C.do you know my parents never went to college?
D.tell me more about your plan please.
E.nearly three years has passed since we came here.
F.are you used to the life here?
G.it's hard to know what will happen in the future.
A:how time flies!---------------------
B:that's right .byt the way,what are you going to do after leaving school?
A;i'm not sure.------------------------
B;i'm different.i expect to have a new start.
A;what do you mean?--------------------------
B;of course not.i mean i will have a better future.
A;sounds great.---------------------------------
B;i wish i could go to a great high school.
A;however,your dream seems to have nothing special.
B;yes,it does.-----------------------so they hope i can achieve their dream.
A;oh,i get it now.
- 1用rely on+n./doing造句
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- 3一质点在半径为R的圆周上从A处沿顺时针运动到B处,则它通过的路程、位移大小分别是( ) A.3πR2、3πR2 B.3πR2、2R C.2R、2R D.2R、3πR2
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