I get annoyed while I’m walking into the cinema and someone is moving in front of me and walking slower than me.When that happens,I usually say,“Would you mind walking faster?It’s time for the movie.” And I don’t like it when someone talks loudly in the cinema.Last Sunday,I went to see the movie as usual.The movie was Live Crew.It was a comedy.It was interesting.Rudy Ray Moore was in the movie.I sat on a good seat.But I was a little unhappy.Two young people were sitting in front of me.The girl was wearing a hat.I could hardly see the movie.At last I couldn’t stand.I said to her,“Would you mind taking off your hat?” She did.But while I was enjoying the movie,the boy next to the girl was talking loudly on the phone.I thought he would stop in a few minutes.But ten minutes later,he was still talking on the phone.I was angry.I couldn’t stand anymore.I said to him,“Would you mind not talking on the phone here?” But the boy didn’t hear me.I thought I could call the policeman,but I di
I get annoyed while I’m walking into the cinema and someone is moving in front of me and walking slower than me.When that happens,I usually say,“Would you mind walking faster?It’s time for the movie.” And I don’t like it when someone talks loudly in the cinema.Last Sunday,I went to see the movie as usual.The movie was Live Crew.It was a comedy.It was interesting.Rudy Ray Moore was in the movie.I sat on a good seat.But I was a little unhappy.Two young people were sitting in front of me.The girl was wearing a hat.I could hardly see the movie.At last I couldn’t stand.I said to her,“Would you mind taking off your hat?” She did.But while I was enjoying the movie,the boy next to the girl was talking loudly on the phone.I thought he would stop in a few minutes.But ten minutes later,he was still talking on the phone.I was angry.I couldn’t stand anymore.I said to him,“Would you mind not talking on the phone here?” But the boy didn’t hear me.I thought I could call the policeman,but I di
- 1蝈蝈,蛐蛐,蟋蟀,蝗虫,草蜢这几种昆虫有什么不一样?
- 2各位谁能帮交给我一个方法把一道数学题给一个三年级的小朋友讲明白
- 3单韵母有哪几个?复韵母?鼻韵母?特别韵母?a ai ao an ang o ou o
- 4(试证:如果A是正定矩阵,那么A的主子式全大于零)怎么解答
- 5《面朝大海 春暖暖开》中作者体会到的幸福是什么?
- 6帮我算下“一加五分之一的和 除以 X减3的差 等于一乘以 一加百分之五十的和 X等于多少?这是我看到一本书上的题 和原算式不一样 我的算式老师说是对的 但结果不一样 我想是不是我算错了 正确结果是15
- 7down jacket的中文意思
- 8《蜀鸡》的翻译和一个成语总结“蜀鸡”成败的经验教训
- 9望梅止渴( ) 卧薪尝胆( ) 三顾茅庐( ) 纸上谈兵( ) 四面楚歌( ) 凿壁偷光
- 10《祝福》中的祥林嫂是怎么死的
- 1破坏土壤的事例
- 2根据提示求出函数解析式.
- 3he stayed at home and his sister Julia went out with her friend i__
- 417世纪科学革命和18世纪启蒙运动的联系
- 5社会存在与社会意识的辩证关系
- 615÷8等于多少如果是假分数请化成带分数
- 7一块红砖有多重?
- 8He told a joke to his classmates and they all laughed ______.
- 9有的······有的······有的用的是什么修辞手法?
- 10We invested fifteen of the seventy-five-thousand-pound prize money to help secure our future.中的"fift