1.we have decision to go forward that the women really out of consider getting vaccine .
2.the drug works by disabling a human enzyme essential to the parasite which causes sleeping sickness .
3.the scientist were funded to research diseases neglected by company
4.nothing worth having can be had without labor.
5.Japan is noted for mt.fuji,not to speak of its cherry blossoms.
6.it is far better to do well a bit of work which is well worth doing than to have a large fortune .
1.out of consider 是什麽意思?句中的go forward怎样解释?
2.by disabling a human enzyme 这短语在句中是什麽结构?essential to the parasite 有这样的用法吗,什麽意思?
3.neglected by company 何意?
4.can be had 可写can be have
5.blossom 为可不是blossoming
3.to have a large fortune 改写为having a large fortune 可否?
1.we have decision to go forward that the women really out of consider getting vaccine .
2.the drug works by disabling a human enzyme essential to the parasite which causes sleeping sickness .
3.the scientist were funded to research diseases neglected by company
4.nothing worth having can be had without labor.
5.Japan is noted for mt.fuji,not to speak of its cherry blossoms.
6.it is far better to do well a bit of work which is well worth doing than to have a large fortune .
1.out of consider 是什麽意思?句中的go forward怎样解释?
2.by disabling a human enzyme 这短语在句中是什麽结构?essential to the parasite 有这样的用法吗,什麽意思?
3.neglected by company 何意?
4.can be had 可写can be have
5.blossom 为可不是blossoming
3.to have a large fortune 改写为having a large fortune 可否?
- 1农业的分类
- 2where to go in Beijing during this national holiday?
- 3With your skin,you can feel better翻译
- 4小伟在计算小数加法时,把第一个加数百分位上的7错写成1,把第二个加数十分位上的6错写成了9,这样算得的和是6.02.正确的和应是多少?
- 5同义句转换 You must look to the right and the left You must look to————of the road.
- 6据汉语填空
- 7用简便方法计算下面各题 1、23×2×4+25×4×2+27×1×8+25×8×1 2、(42+
- 8The book is very interesting .It is good for ( )(we)
- 9低碳生活的阅读答案
- 10下列生命活动过程中高尔基体参与的是( ) A.植物细胞壁的形成 B.分解葡萄糖产生ATP C.以氨基酸为原料合成肽链 D.以核苷酸为原料合成核酸
- 1概率论中证明题:若P(A|B)>P(A|B的补),证明P(B|A)>P(B|A的补)
- 2在《十则》中,就学习方法而言,孔子强调的最多的是什么?
- 3三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也.—— 孔丘
- 4在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线过原点O,且与x轴交于另一点A,其顶点为B.孔明同学用一把宽为3cm带刻度的矩形直尺对抛物线进行如下测量: ①量得OA=3cm; ②把直尺的左边与抛物线的对称轴
- 50.00(20个零)···25乘0.00(20个零)=?
- 6X*(X-6)=-7 求出X的值
- 7二甲苯,异丙醇,正丁醇和油墨,对身体会有什么样的危害呢
- 8根号4的平方是
- 9找规律填数:0.5、2.5、6.5、12.5、_、30.5、_.
- 10柳宗元的《石渠记》《石涧记》全篇的译文