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"The Unhappy Official是一首白居易诗的英文版,原文谁知道?
The Unhappy Official
never tired of study,
reading until he could not see
holding his pen until his fingers bacame pianful;sitting
for exams ten times
until he pasted;success has come
too late;he is now an important official
but his hair is already white;there is little
happiness for him;when
young,he spent his days being very poor;now old and often sick,
money and fame are no use to him.
living behind the great read
gates in a youth with the
tast of mother's milk still inhis mouth
not too much look at,with soft skin
like a girl's and a gentle face
he has never worn a soldier's
uniform;at 20 he got
his father's title and money
with the coming of spring,he always
playing outside,wearing soft
furs and riding upon a fine horse
spending mornings with gamblers and drinkers,and
in the evenings sleeping with
the girls in a singsong house
he spends his money paying
wine bills,using what
is left over on pretty girls
besides drinking,singing,and
hunting with dogs and horses
he kows a little else
on the hills,wild grass grow
under a great pine tree
two living things,one reaching
high and the other happy
to stay low,from old times
it has been this way
you are not alone
in knowing this sadness


悲 哉 行 白居易悲哉为儒者,力学不知疲.读书眼欲暗,秉笔手生胝.十上方一第,成名常苦迟.纵有宦达者,两鬓已成丝.可怜少壮日,适在穷贱时.丈夫老且病,焉用富贵为.沉沉朱门宅,中有乳臭儿.状貌如妇人,光明膏粱肌.手不把书...
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