(1) 你是否认为只有女孩才能向父母表达爱
(2) 回忆今年的母亲节,你做了什么
(3) 你今后应当如何做.
summary 我省略了,
The passage is about that in mother's day many sthudents took different actions to make up for their lost love to their mothers.In his classmates affected,writer determined to bring a surprise to his mother and express his deeply love.
In my opinion,I don't think only girls can expresstheir love to parents,there are two main reasons.
First,filial piety is china's fine tradition and express love to our parents is the way to reflect the filial piety.
Second,I'm a boy,if this think only girls can do ,I will lose my face.
In this year mother's day ,I did nothing to my mother,now,I feel sorry to her.If the time could flow backwards,I would try my best to bring a surprise to my mother,but it 's all over now.
Mom,please believe me ,I will do best in the future.
可以的话希望 提供一篇自己写的 精彩的文章 我参考 内容 同上的
(1) 你是否认为只有女孩才能向父母表达爱
(2) 回忆今年的母亲节,你做了什么
(3) 你今后应当如何做.
summary 我省略了,
The passage is about that in mother's day many sthudents took different actions to make up for their lost love to their mothers.In his classmates affected,writer determined to bring a surprise to his mother and express his deeply love.
In my opinion,I don't think only girls can expresstheir love to parents,there are two main reasons.
First,filial piety is china's fine tradition and express love to our parents is the way to reflect the filial piety.
Second,I'm a boy,if this think only girls can do ,I will lose my face.
In this year mother's day ,I did nothing to my mother,now,I feel sorry to her.If the time could flow backwards,I would try my best to bring a surprise to my mother,but it 's all over now.
Mom,please believe me ,I will do best in the future.
可以的话希望 提供一篇自己写的 精彩的文章 我参考 内容 同上的
The passage is about that ON MOTHER'S DAY many sthudents took different actions to make up for their lost love to their mothers.THE Writer IS determined to bring a surprise to his mother and express h...
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