Tom is riding his bike in a park .He feels hungry .Just then,an apple falls out of a tall tree.
he looks up and sees millie .she is eating an apple .Tom wants some apples but he is afraid to climb up the tall tree
"I'm so glad you're here"Tom says to millie.
"Oh,no,you have to climb up."says millie
Tom starts to climb the tall tree .He is afraid ,so he closes his eyes .But after a while he opens his eyes and looks down."I'm so high up!"he says.Just drop some down
"I don't want apples any more .They're not good ,"Tom says to Millie
Tom is angry with himself .He doesn't wangt any apples now .He climbs back down.
This time Tom gets a running start .He makes it all the way to the top.
"But he just wants to climbs that tree "says Millie.
"I'm afraid I don't know how to get down!"says Tom
Tom is riding his bike in a park .He feels hungry .Just then,an apple falls out of a tall tree.
he looks up and sees millie .she is eating an apple .Tom wants some apples but he is afraid to climb up the tall tree
"I'm so glad you're here"Tom says to millie.
"Oh,no,you have to climb up."says millie
Tom starts to climb the tall tree .He is afraid ,so he closes his eyes .But after a while he opens his eyes and looks down."I'm so high up!"he says.Just drop some down
"I don't want apples any more .They're not good ,"Tom says to Millie
Tom is angry with himself .He doesn't wangt any apples now .He climbs back down.
This time Tom gets a running start .He makes it all the way to the top.
"But he just wants to climbs that tree "says Millie.
"I'm afraid I don't know how to get down!"says Tom
- 1距离大于17米时 我们才能听到回声吗
- 2有一块长方形体育场地,如果把他的长和宽各增加米,面积将增加1236平方米,原来体育地的周长是多少米
- 3求函数f(x)=x²-2x的值域
- 41.六年级三个班救灾捐款,甲班捐款数是另外两班捐款数的三分之二,乙班捐款数是另外两个班捐款数的五分之三,丙班捐款数比乙班捐款数少72元,三办公捐多少元?
- 5一个机器零件,王师傅需要5/12小时,李师傅需要7/12小时,李师傅比王师傅少用多少小时?
- 6某家庭电能表上标有 “220V 10A(20A)” 字样,那么该家庭电路中允许
- 7把0.8缩小10倍是_,把0.32的小数点去掉,这个数就扩大_倍.
- 8一架飞机在两个城市之间飞行,顺风需55分钟,逆风需1小时,已知风速为20千米每小时,飞行速度为多少?
- 9在甲处工作的有272人,在乙处工作的有196人,如果使乙处工作的人数是甲处工作人数的3倍应从乙处调多少人甲
- 10富有哲理的话叫什么言除了格言
- 1不规则长方体的表面积计算公式
- 2将一个底面直径是10厘米,高为36厘米,"瘦长"形圆柱锻高成底面直径为20厘米的"矮胖"形圆柱,高度成了多少?
- 3My birthday is on November11th.(改为一般疑问句) ______ _
- 4多得数不清可以有什么词代替
- 5质量M=10kg的木楔ABC静置于粗糙水平地面上,动摩擦因数μ=0.02,在木楔的倾角θ为300的斜面上,有一质量m=1.0千克的物块由静止开始沿斜面下滑,当滑行路程s=1.4m时,其速度v=1.4m
- 6一种跟蚊子很像的昆虫,可是它却比蚊子大多了,有飞蛾那么大
- 7解三元一次方程组{x+2y-z① 2x+y+z=5②3x+4y+z=10③时,首先消去z,得二元一次方程组(),再消去未知数y..
- 8i like the Peaches .They are Sweet.合并成一句,后面i like the在什么?急
- 9设全集为实数集R,M={x|x≤1+2,x∈R},N={1,2,3,4},则CRM∩N=( ) A.{4} B.{3,4} C.{2,3,4} D.{1,2,3,4}
- 10为什么直接用两圆方程相减就能得到两圆公共弦长所在直线方程呢?(最好有详细推导过程)