In the past,when a person said “I am poor”,it was expressing that he had financial problems.But at present,the word poor also express the meaning of spiritual poverty.The lack of knowledge causes spiritual poverty which has become an apparent problem in today’s society and the lack of input foreign language words,not often reciting something and listening information causes the lack of knowledge.So,what we need is to find a way to avoid this problem.
As everyone knows,what input decides what output.If someone doesn’t like reading books or reads the books which are not enough of knowledge,he will not be able to avoid the spiritual poverty.Besides,the lack of information input will also made it difficult to communicate with others; we would not require the information from others.So,to avoid the spiritual the poverty,the first step is to read more and listen more.
To read more,people should have an enough vocabulary including the foreign language.The lack o
In the past,when a person said “I am poor”,it was expressing that he had financial problems.But at present,the word poor also express the meaning of spiritual poverty.The lack of knowledge causes spiritual poverty which has become an apparent problem in today’s society and the lack of input foreign language words,not often reciting something and listening information causes the lack of knowledge.So,what we need is to find a way to avoid this problem.
As everyone knows,what input decides what output.If someone doesn’t like reading books or reads the books which are not enough of knowledge,he will not be able to avoid the spiritual poverty.Besides,the lack of information input will also made it difficult to communicate with others; we would not require the information from others.So,to avoid the spiritual the poverty,the first step is to read more and listen more.
To read more,people should have an enough vocabulary including the foreign language.The lack o
非常地道的汉语.我只是就你的文章进行了语法和部分词法方面的修改.要实现地道的英语,还需要多多地努力.In the past,when a person said “I am poor”,he meant that he had financial problems.But at present,the ...
- 1(+2又8/31)*(-1又2/7)*(+2有1/15)*(-4又1/2)的简便算法
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- 3实验室中需要11.2L(标准状况)二氧化碳,现用含碳酸钙90.0%的石灰石与足量的稀盐酸反应(该石灰石中的杂质不与稀盐酸反应),问:(1)至少需要含碳酸钙90.0%的石灰石多少克?(2)生
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- 5高一-函数的概念-数学题
- 6已知函数y=y1+y2,y1与x2成正比例,y2与1-x成反比例,当x=2时,y1=y2=-8,求函数y关于x的函数表达式,并写出x的取值范围.
- 7小船横渡一条河,船本身提供的速度大小方向都不变.已知小船的运动轨迹如图所示,则河水的流速( ) A.越接近B岸水速越大 B.越接近B岸水速越小 C.由A到B水速先增后减 D.水流速度恒定
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- 2limx趋近于0[3e^(x/x+1)-1]^(sinx/x)求极限
- 3已知男女生人数的比是7:8,如果男生增加14人,要使男女生人数的比不变,女生应该增加多少人?
- 4《朝花夕拾》中有这样一个人:初见时,他身材高大,长头发,眼球百多黑少;看人总向在藐视,几年后与我成为同事,最后落水而亡.他是谁?
- 5如图,已知射线OC将∠AOB分成1:3两部分,射线OD将∠AOB分成5:7两部分,若∠COD=15゜,求∠AOB的度数.
- 6在三角形纸片ABC中,∠C=90°,∠A=30°,AC=3,折叠该纸片,使点A与点B重合,折痕与AB、AC分别相交于点D和点E(如图),折痕DE的长为_.
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- 9建立北魏征权并统一黄河流域的民族是匈奴
- 10市某初中举行“八荣八耻”知识抢答赛,总共50道抢答题.抢答规定:抢答对1题得3分,抢答错1题扣1分,不抢答得0分.小军参加了抢答比赛,只抢答了其中的20道题,要使最后得分不少于50