The China Life`s stock-system reform scheme has been adjusted from the co-existence of retained company and stock company to group company with share holding.The new China Life Group Company.China Life Stock Company and China Life Asset Management Company have accomplished legal procedures.The stock company is revealed to finish all overseas listing documents before August 18th.
In the original scheme,the retained company and stock company are two collateral corporations,while in the existing scheme,the China Life Group Company sanctioned by CIRC on June 20th is a state-sole-ownership group company.It not only takes charge of business and assets of original China Life formed before 1999,but also is a holding company and a parent company representing the nation to carry through share-holding function.The company further initiates to establish the China Life Asset Management and China Life Stock Company,and the latter has been sanctioned by CIRC on June 27th.The Group will a
The China Life`s stock-system reform scheme has been adjusted from the co-existence of retained company and stock company to group company with share holding.The new China Life Group Company.China Life Stock Company and China Life Asset Management Company have accomplished legal procedures.The stock company is revealed to finish all overseas listing documents before August 18th.
In the original scheme,the retained company and stock company are two collateral corporations,while in the existing scheme,the China Life Group Company sanctioned by CIRC on June 20th is a state-sole-ownership group company.It not only takes charge of business and assets of original China Life formed before 1999,but also is a holding company and a parent company representing the nation to carry through share-holding function.The company further initiates to establish the China Life Asset Management and China Life Stock Company,and the latter has been sanctioned by CIRC on June 27th.The Group will a
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