To achieve industrial acceptance of the c-i-s supply concept as wide as possible,not only energy
transmission but also data transmission shall be possible by only one two-wire supply line.
Preliminary investigations of PTB showed that this is also possible with the c-i-s concept
(“Powerline Communication“).
As is generally known,each periodical interruption of a direct voltage effects - for systeminherent
reasons - the emission of higher-frequency interference levels.To make this simple and
uncomplicated,the data rate,however,shall be chosen in such a way that the highest frequency
required for data transmission is much lower than the repetition frequency of the c-i-s switching
mode.The basic oscillation and its harmonics of the c-i-s switching mode could be filtered out
by means of a simple low-pass filter.The passband of this filter should only comprise the
frequency ranges required for data transmission.Data tran
To achieve industrial acceptance of the c-i-s supply concept as wide as possible,not only energy
transmission but also data transmission shall be possible by only one two-wire supply line.
Preliminary investigations of PTB showed that this is also possible with the c-i-s concept
(“Powerline Communication“).
As is generally known,each periodical interruption of a direct voltage effects - for systeminherent
reasons - the emission of higher-frequency interference levels.To make this simple and
uncomplicated,the data rate,however,shall be chosen in such a way that the highest frequency
required for data transmission is much lower than the repetition frequency of the c-i-s switching
mode.The basic oscillation and its harmonics of the c-i-s switching mode could be filtered out
by means of a simple low-pass filter.The passband of this filter should only comprise the
frequency ranges required for data transmission.Data tran
数据传输实现工业验收C-135型我硫供给尽可能广泛,不仅能传输,而且数据传输应尽可能只有一两线供电线路.初步调查显示,客运,这也是可能的C -Ⅰ收盘概念( "电力线通信" ) .如所周知,每个期刊中断,直接影响电压为systemi...
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- 6either of the answers are right什么地方错了
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- 8在下面加上 加 减 乘 除或括号 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 =10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 =1000 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 =1994
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- 1微观经济学 正常商品的需求曲线的特征?
- 2盒子里面装满了各种颜色的气球 英文翻译 The box is ()
- 3如图所示一块地,∠adc=90°,ad=12㎝,cd=9㎝,ab=39㎝,bc=36㎝,求这块地的面积
- 4表示知识丰富的成语
- 5100克15%浓度的盐水中,放进了盐8克,为使溶液浓度为20%,还得再加进水多少克?
- 6氢离子的电子式
- 7(a+3)的平方+b-2的绝对值=0,求(a+b)的2011次方
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- 9关于克隆技术“可以造福于人类”,从文中你了解了哪些?你还了解那些?
- 10The last month of a year is____ ______is the eieventh month of a year