Links to this change,we have decided to restructure the operational organization which is in line with supply chain operation and TPM long term direction.Mr.Ma,current Operational Production Manager will take additional responsibility of maintenance management,here is maintenance organization reporting structure:
1.Mr.Li,current Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor,will be responsible for both line 1 and line 2’s mechanical related maintenance and projects,directly reports to Morgan Ma.The mechanical maintenance group of Mr.Lan,Gu,Zhao,Liu,and Sun will continue to report to Li directly.
2.Mr.Li,current Electrical Maintenance Supervisor,will be responsible for both line 1 and line 2’s electrical related maintenance and projects,directly reports to Ma.Mr.Gao ,Fu and Huo will continue to report to Li directly.
Mr.Qi,current HSE and Operational Improvement manager,will continue to be responsible for spare parts improvement project and also provide technical coach and guid
Links to this change,we have decided to restructure the operational organization which is in line with supply chain operation and TPM long term direction.Mr.Ma,current Operational Production Manager will take additional responsibility of maintenance management,here is maintenance organization reporting structure:
1.Mr.Li,current Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor,will be responsible for both line 1 and line 2’s mechanical related maintenance and projects,directly reports to Morgan Ma.The mechanical maintenance group of Mr.Lan,Gu,Zhao,Liu,and Sun will continue to report to Li directly.
2.Mr.Li,current Electrical Maintenance Supervisor,will be responsible for both line 1 and line 2’s electrical related maintenance and projects,directly reports to Ma.Mr.Gao ,Fu and Huo will continue to report to Li directly.
Mr.Qi,current HSE and Operational Improvement manager,will continue to be responsible for spare parts improvement project and also provide technical coach and guid
Links to this change,we have decided to restructure the operational organization which is in line with supply chain operation and TPM long term direction.Mr.Ma,current Operational Production Manager w...
- 1_和_构成了生物圈,它是所有生物共同的_.
- 2已知m满足2x+3y-m=0 3x+2y+1+2m=0且根号下x+y-2010=-根号下2010-x-y,求m的值 最后M的答案.
- 3火车沿平直铁路匀加速前进,通过某一路标时速度为10.8km/h,1min后变成54km/h,又需经多少时间,火车的速度才能达到64.8km/h?
- 4墨梅诗中后两句突出墨梅的( )抒发了作者( )的知趣和情怀
- 5速度解方程啊 在线等待ing~
- 6理想情况下,装了水(不装满)的瓶子里的气压与大气压相比是大是小
- 7检验硫酸根离子,要排除磷酸根离子的干扰,加什么试剂?
- 8丙二酸怎么重结晶
- 9We have been washing our hair all our lives.However,we might be washing our hair the wrong way and
- 10根据一元二次方程根的定义,解答下列问题. 一个三角形两边长分别为3cm和7cm,第三边长为a cm,且整数a满足a2-10a+21=0,求三角形的周长. 解:由已知可得4<a<10,则a可取5,6,7
- 1解方程组:x平方+xy-6y平方=0 3x平分+2xy=0
- 2一个数由8个百万、6个十万、7个千、40个十,6个0.1和5个0.01组成,这个数是().
- 3玻璃钢和树脂是一种材料吗
- 4先阅读材料,试判断2000^1999+1999^2000的末位数字 因为2000^1999的末尾数字是0 而1999^2000的末尾数字是1
- 5上底54m下底38m,高32m停车场原来是梯形,扩大后面积,建为长方形.建后面积多少
- 6x^2+y^2=8,x^2-4xy+3y^2=0的方程组的解
- 7泰山的日出壮观 改写成双重否定句
- 8英语翻译
- 9根据下面的等式,按从小到大的顺序排列a.b.c.d(abcd均不为零)这四个数.
- 10八年级上册物理书每章后的学到了什么?一二三章的,