按首字母填空 第④和第⑧空
Do you ①k_________robots?There are a② l__________of robots in the world now.Some of the robots can walk,sing and dance.Some can talk ③w__________people.Most of them can do heavy work.In a few ④m__________years,a robot will be able to⑤ d__________a car,a train,a ship or a ⑥p___________.In a hospital,a restaurant or a shop,we ⑦m__________see a robot at work.By then,we need
⑧n__________do the cooking or go shopping ourselves.We just give orders(命令) to a robot and it will do ⑨a__________the housework.A robot will be our good f___________.
Do you ①k_________robots?There are a② l__________of robots in the world now.Some of the robots can walk,sing and dance.Some can talk ③w__________people.Most of them can do heavy work.In a few ④m__________years,a robot will be able to⑤ d__________a car,a train,a ship or a ⑥p___________.In a hospital,a restaurant or a shop,we ⑦m__________see a robot at work.By then,we need
⑧n__________do the cooking or go shopping ourselves.We just give orders(命令) to a robot and it will do ⑨a__________the housework.A robot will be our good f___________.
4 more 8never
- 1已知线段AB,延长AB至C.使BC=3/4AB,反向延长线段AB到C,使AD=1/3AB,P为线段CD的中点,已知AP=17.求CD与AB.
- 2已知a为第二象限角,且sina1/3,那么sin2a=
- 3只有一个地球是一篇( )体裁的文章?
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- 1(1)a(b-3)^2-4(b-3)^2,其中a=5,b=7 (2)4x(m-2)-5(m-2),其中x=1.5,m=2008
- 2先帝创业未半而中道崩殂.崩殂的本义引申义.
- 3在同一个圆里,直径的长度都_,半径的长度都_,直径的长度是半径的_.
- 4用舐犊情深,情深似海,滴水之恩,恩重如山,手足之情,赤子之心造句!
- 5判断句子是否正确,对的打√,错的打×并在原句上修改.
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- 7i think it is bad manners to run __ your parents.
- 8迈克杰克逊的《We are the world》含义是什么
- 9文字的使用是不是文明伊始的标志
- 10已知x=1/(根号2+1),求3/4x^3+5/2x^2+5/4x+1