You are the Sales Manager of a foreign trade company.Recently you received a fax from an American customer complaining of the late delivery of his Order No.566 for 2000 color TV sets.Then you looked into the matter and found it was the fault of your dispatch department.
Write a short memo to your assistant,Alan Chen.(Indicate in the memo that you need a response.)
lx05Asking him to visit the dispatch department and urge them to dispatch the order;
lx05 Specifying the goods,quantity and the deadline for dispatch;
lx05 Adding any relevant information you can think of.
You are the Sales Manager of a foreign trade company.Recently you received a fax from an American customer complaining of the late delivery of his Order No.566 for 2000 color TV sets.Then you looked into the matter and found it was the fault of your dispatch department.
Write a short memo to your assistant,Alan Chen.(Indicate in the memo that you need a response.)
lx05Asking him to visit the dispatch department and urge them to dispatch the order;
lx05 Specifying the goods,quantity and the deadline for dispatch;
lx05 Adding any relevant information you can think of.
- 161.定义域为R的四个函数y=x3,y=2x,y=x2+1,y=2sinx中,奇函数的个数是( )
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- 1I woke up late!“woke up”可换成什么?
- 2文体用品店买来足球.排球.篮球.共390个,足球:排球=7:5,篮球比足球多10个,3种球各多少个?
- 3一个数,增加它的20%以后,又减少20%,结果是原数的( )%
- 4当α∈(2kπ+π,2kπ+7/6π),k∈Z
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- 10是take a risk of take the risk of还是take risk of