A:Though I wear a lot of clothes,it’s very cold.
B:Yes.But after a few weeks it will be Christmas Day
C:Hi,A and B.What are you talking about?
A:We are talking about Christmas.Do you like it?
C:Of course.Every Christmas I can receive many cards and presents.What about you,
B:,Well,my family usually has a big dinner on Christmas Eve.It’s very wonderful.I can eat a lot of delicious food.
What festival are we talking about?
What can C receive at Christmas
Whose family will have a big dinner?
A:Though I wear a lot of clothes,it’s very cold.
B:Yes.But after a few weeks it will be Christmas Day
C:Hi,A and B.What are you talking about?
A:We are talking about Christmas.Do you like it?
C:Of course.Every Christmas I can receive many cards and presents.What about you,
B:,Well,my family usually has a big dinner on Christmas Eve.It’s very wonderful.I can eat a lot of delicious food.
What festival are we talking about?
What can C receive at Christmas
Whose family will have a big dinner?
A:Though I wore a lot of clothes,it’s very cold.
BC::Yes.But after a few week it will be Christmas Day
BC:Hi,What are you talking about?
A:We are talking Christmas.Do you like it?
C:Of course.Every Christmas I can receive many cards and presents.What about you,
B:,Well,my family usually has a big dinner on Christmas Eve.It’s very wonderful.I can eat a lot of delicious food.
BC::Yes.But after a few week it will be Christmas Day
BC:Hi,What are you talking about?
A:We are talking Christmas.Do you like it?
C:Of course.Every Christmas I can receive many cards and presents.What about you,
B:,Well,my family usually has a big dinner on Christmas Eve.It’s very wonderful.I can eat a lot of delicious food.
- 13.5:6.3的比值
- 2under the tree___ a boy reading a book
- 3有300乘400的工字钢吗?重量是多少1米?
- 4甲数是乙数的三分之二,乙数是丙数的四分之三,甲乙丙的和是216.甲乙丙三个数各是多少
- 5在0,7,8,9四个数中选出三个数字组成一个三位数,使他同时是2,3和5 的倍数,这个数最大是
- 6怎样才能把X+2等于5转化为X等于a,a是常数的形式
- 7---Who cleaned the window yesterday?---I ___.
- 8在标准状况下,至少需要多少体积的氢气与足量的氧气充分反应超能生成18g水?
- 9若a,b,c分别是△ABC的三条边长,且a2-6a+b2-10c+c2=8b-50,则这个三角形的形状是_.
- 10把一支枪水平固定在小车上,小车放在光滑的水平面上,枪发射出一颗子弹时,关于枪、弹、车,下列说法正确的是( ) A.枪和弹组成的系统,动量守恒 B.枪和车组成的系统,动量守恒
- 1初一下语文全部的通假字
- 2温度越高声速就越快,密度就越小,密度小声速不是越慢吗
- 3Beijing was such a terrible sandstorm( )few citizens had ever experienced before为何选that不用as
- 4举世闻名的敦煌壁画的标志是什么
- 5下列有关新陈代谢的叙述中,正确的是( )
- 6《马说》中揭示全文主旨的句子是什么?
- 7有些晕的题it is amazing that the little boy can swim___the river ___100 meters wide.
- 8三相电流各是40安培它的负载电流是照单相40安培,功率是多少是20千瓦吗
- 9数学函数难题,高手进
- 10宾语从句连接代词whosever,whoever,whomever,whatever,whichever分别指人还是指物?