The results of this analysis confirm that stock-based acquirers have relatively high-advertising expenditures prior to the merger,whereascash-based acquirers do not.Finally,although we are largely agnostic about the meansby which advertising may increase stock prices,and therefore benefit the pre-mergerowners,we do attempt to provide some preliminary evidence that may shed some lighton this issue[3].
First,we attempt to relate insider stock OWN with advertising ctivities prior to the stock-based acquisition.If managers attempt to increase stockprices through increased advertising for selfish reasons,they are more likely to do sowhen they have more OWN in their firm[4].The evidence we present in the paper isindeed consistent with this notion.Surprisingly,when we attempt to link the deal ratio(DR; defined as the ratio of the deal value (price paid to the target for the acquisition)divided by the acquirer’s immediate past fiscal-year-end ma
The results of this analysis confirm that stock-based acquirers have relatively high-advertising expenditures prior to the merger,whereascash-based acquirers do not.Finally,although we are largely agnostic about the meansby which advertising may increase stock prices,and therefore benefit the pre-mergerowners,we do attempt to provide some preliminary evidence that may shed some lighton this issue[3].
First,we attempt to relate insider stock OWN with advertising ctivities prior to the stock-based acquisition.If managers attempt to increase stockprices through increased advertising for selfish reasons,they are more likely to do sowhen they have more OWN in their firm[4].The evidence we present in the paper isindeed consistent with this notion.Surprisingly,when we attempt to link the deal ratio(DR; defined as the ratio of the deal value (price paid to the target for the acquisition)divided by the acquirer’s immediate past fiscal-year-end ma
The results ofthis analysis confirm that stock-based acquirers have relativelyhigh-advertising expenditures prior to the merger,whereas cash-based acquirersdo not.Finally,although we are largely...
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- 2公共汽车站有6路车和7路车,6路车每3分钟开一班,7路车每5分钟开一班,两路公交车是从早上6:00同时发车,下
- 3若不等式x∧2+2ax+b
- 4有没有只是关于愚蠢的诗句啊
- 5一筐苹果重在60千克,第一次卖出百分之40,第二次卖出的相当于第一次的4/5.第二次卖出多少千克
- 6当m=____时,函数y=(3m+2)x的2m+1次幂+5x-6(x≠0)是一次函数.
- 7一个鸟字头加一个衣字底是什么字?
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- 9做环保调查报告.一、是提出问题.二、调查方法.三、结论.
- 10If you study harder,you will get good grades.改为同义句
- 1∀x(P(x) ↔ Q(x)) 和 ∀x P(x) ↔ ∀xQ(x)证明是否逻辑等价
- 2高考三角函数 已知cos(5π/12+α )=1/3 ,-π<α<-π/2,则cos(π/12-α)=?
- 3求与圆x²+y²+6x-8y-11=0同心,且半径为3的圆的方程
- 4战国末代法家的代表人物是A墨子B孟子C韩非D孙武快点
- 5岁寒四友,指的是?
- 6读《凡卡》有感怎么写
- 7把一根长22cm铁丝围成一个斜边长10cm的直角三角形,则这个直角三角形的面积是______.
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- 9关于x的方程a²x+x=1的解
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