与人合作 英语作文
注意:1 无需写标题 2除诗歌外文体不限 3内容必须结合校园生活中的一个实例 4文中不得透露各人姓名和学名称 5词数为100左右
注意:1 无需写标题 2除诗歌外文体不限 3内容必须结合校园生活中的一个实例 4文中不得透露各人姓名和学名称 5词数为100左右
Competition and cooperation seem to be two apparent opposites,which people have to choose between.In my opinion,competition and cooperation play equally important roles in modern world.We should not only learn how to compete,but also how to cooperate.
In modern world,competition still serves as a significant stimulus for people.The fittest survived and the society developed.Good interpersonal relations can facilitate one's success.However,people who believe that competition is more important than the cooperation partially or completely neglect the importance of copperation which in my mind contributes equally to the development of human society.
All in all,we can safely conclude that competition and cooperation are equally important to the social development.The over-emphasis on or the neglect of either will cause losses and even damages.
In modern world,competition still serves as a significant stimulus for people.The fittest survived and the society developed.Good interpersonal relations can facilitate one's success.However,people who believe that competition is more important than the cooperation partially or completely neglect the importance of copperation which in my mind contributes equally to the development of human society.
All in all,we can safely conclude that competition and cooperation are equally important to the social development.The over-emphasis on or the neglect of either will cause losses and even damages.
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- 6若函数f(x)=(a-2)x2+(a-1)x+3是偶函数,则函数f(x)的单调递减区间为_.
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- 9如图所示的电路,电阻R3=4Ω,电流表A和电压表V均为理想电表.闭合开关S后,电流表示数为0.75A,电压表示数2.0V.由于某种原因,电路有一只电阻发生断路现象,使电流表示数变为0.8A,电压
- 10急⊙﹏⊙b汗快一点了