当前位置: > Sunflowers are easy to grow from seed and bring sunshine colour to the summer...
Sunflowers are easy to grow from seed and bring sunshine colour to the summer
Sunflowers are easy to grow from seed (种子)and bring sunshine colour to the summer garden.They are also good to provide winter food for birds.How to plant A Choose a place full of sunshine and dig the earth over.
A Plant seeds 1.5cm deep and 45cm away from each other.Put two seeds in
each place and after young plants come out,take the weaker of the two away.Plant seeds in lines,with taller varieties (品种)at the back and shorter ones at the front.After planting,water well.A Another way for you :put one seed in a 7.5 cm pot.Water and allow it to grow near the window.Keep wet and move it to the garden when roots come out of the holes at the bottom of the pot.Aftercare
A Keep plants well watered to encourage strong growth and fertilize (施肥)them once a month.▲ Keep an eye out for some small animals which like eating leaves.Keep grass and some other plants grow freely in the area.A Short sunflowers


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