I finally met you two at the gym this evening ,things also have finally come to a conclusion.I am very happy now.Thank you for your busily helping me to find the blue
whistle for a few days.
In fact,I do not have to get it,I just want to prove that Joao is not lying.
Now that he is.
But I would rather believe that he is just Parkinson.He had ever told me for three times in the same day that he work in China Plaza.This makes me a bit worried about his mental state.
At the same time,can you tell me the email address of Pero?I think I should personally thank him for what he did to me about the whistle.
I feel a little shamed that I know him for about six months,but I don't even know his name and how to spell it.Is it Pero or pedro?
I wish you happiness.
I finally met you two at the gym this evening ,things also have finally come to a conclusion.I am very happy now.Thank you for your busily helping me to find the blue
whistle for a few days.
In fact,I do not have to get it,I just want to prove that Joao is not lying.
Now that he is.
But I would rather believe that he is just Parkinson.He had ever told me for three times in the same day that he work in China Plaza.This makes me a bit worried about his mental state.
At the same time,can you tell me the email address of Pero?I think I should personally thank him for what he did to me about the whistle.
I feel a little shamed that I know him for about six months,but I don't even know his name and how to spell it.Is it Pero or pedro?
I wish you happiness.
It was good finally seeing you two at the gym tonight and getting a conclusion for all the problems.I am very happy now.And I want to thank you for helping me on this whistle thing.
It's not that I had to get the blue whistle back,I just wanted to see if Joe was telling the truth.Now we've proved he was.I would rather have believed he was suffering from Parkinson's deisease.He once told me three times within the same day that he worked at China Plaza.It made me worry about his mental conditions.
By the way,could you give me Pero's email address?I think I should thank him personally for making inquires about the whistle.It's such a shame that I've known him for almost half a year and still don't know how to spell his name correctly.Is it Pero or Perdo?
Hope all is well.
It was good finally seeing you two at the gym tonight and getting a conclusion for all the problems.I am very happy now.And I want to thank you for helping me on this whistle thing.
It's not that I had to get the blue whistle back,I just wanted to see if Joe was telling the truth.Now we've proved he was.I would rather have believed he was suffering from Parkinson's deisease.He once told me three times within the same day that he worked at China Plaza.It made me worry about his mental conditions.
By the way,could you give me Pero's email address?I think I should thank him personally for making inquires about the whistle.It's such a shame that I've known him for almost half a year and still don't know how to spell his name correctly.Is it Pero or Perdo?
Hope all is well.
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- 2短跑运动员起跑都采用蹬式,起跑时用力向后蹬地,人就获得向_的力,这是因为_.
- 3先天下之忧而忧 中“之”字的用法和意义
- 4爱国主义的演讲稿--400-500字以内
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- 7it、that代词问题
- 8照样子写词语∶将心比心这样的四个,防不胜防这样的四个
- 9A是函数f(x)=(√2012-x2+√x2-2012)÷x的定义域B是其值域则A∪B的子集个数?
- 10-Shall I sit at this end of the boat or the other?
- 1哪个成语的意思是:指说话做事前后不一致,相互抵触
- 2《地震》蒲松龄中的比喻句,两个这篇文章是按什么顺序写的,找出标志性的词语.
- 3甲乙两车同时从AB两地相对开出,当甲行了全程的7分之3时,晚上做
- 4在正弦交变电流电路中串联一电感器,当交变电流增大时电感器阻碍其增大,其减小时阻碍其减小,那么整个过程不就是相当于把阻碍那些又增加回来了吗?但课本上说“电感器对交变电流有阻碍作用”,怎么回事?为什么灯泡
- 5一根电线原打算剪成相等的20段,实际剪的每段比原来短1/5,实际比原来多剪几段
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- 7英语翻译
- 8若x=-2是关于x的方程2x+4=2分之x-a的根,求代数式a的平方-a的值
- 91.用列举法表示这个集合:
- 10"之“字用法不同的一项是