In the growth process,with many happy and trouble,but only the joy and worry,the real record of our growth.
Growth is happy,in the course of our growth and happiness has always accompany us.Feelings of happiness for each person is different,some people think that only big happy event can be called a happy,some people think that happiness is contentment,and I think that happiness is everywhere.From kindergarten to primary school,to junior high school,books are my happiness.Kindergarten,I get joy from comic red; primary school 12 age I get joy from alphabet books.Increases with age,looking more and more,more extensive access to more and more happiness.From the book,I see the lofty aspiration of the ancient heroes,sworn to see the Liangshan the righteous spirit; from the book,I know the wonders of heaven and earth,the wonders of science; from the book,I felt the earth's true,the good the United States.I am happy as a fish in the sea of knowledge travel.These books not only in learning a great help,but also enriched my knowledge has enriched my life.In addition to books,I am happy there are many:one to encourage teachers,students of a blessing,and achieved a good result and so happy is really everywhere
In the growth process,with many happy and trouble,but only the joy and worry,the real record of our growth.
Growth is happy,in the course of our growth and happiness has always accompany us.Feelings of happiness for each person is different,some people think that only big happy event can be called a happy,some people think that happiness is contentment,and I think that happiness is everywhere.From kindergarten to primary school,to junior high school,books are my happiness.Kindergarten,I get joy from comic red; primary school 12 age I get joy from alphabet books.Increases with age,looking more and more,more extensive access to more and more happiness.From the book,I see the lofty aspiration of the ancient heroes,sworn to see the Liangshan the righteous spirit; from the book,I know the wonders of heaven and earth,the wonders of science; from the book,I felt the earth's true,the good the United States.I am happy as a fish in the sea of knowledge travel.These books not only in learning a great help,but also enriched my knowledge has enriched my life.In addition to books,I am happy there are many:one to encourage teachers,students of a blessing,and achieved a good result and so happy is really everywhere
- 1甲、乙两袋糖的重量比是4:1,从甲袋中取出10千克糖放入乙袋,这时两袋糖的重量比为7:5,求两袋糖的重量之和.
- 2Mg^2+的意义,Mg+2的意义,2H2O两个2的意义!
- 3从藻类植物到被子植物的形态、结构特征分析,植物的进化趋势是怎样的?
- 4麦哲伦航海能证明什么
- 55时等于多少分
- 6一根钢管长2米,用去一部分后还剩5分之2,用去了几分之几米
- 7自养生物和异养生物的区别
- 8由金属镁和另一种金属组成的混合物6克,与足量稀盐酸反应,反应完全后共产生0.2克氢气.则另一种金属可能是
- 9有一条小河,河的两边分别有一个A村和B村,要在河上建一座小桥.使A村到B村的距离最短.桥应建在什么地方?(假设河两岸是平行线..桥垂直于河..桥为MN)
- 10负3.8减7的过程
- 1因为5a=6b 所以a/b=5/6._.
- 2方程mx+4y=3x-2是二元一次方程,则m的取值为
- 3它听起来很美.这句话用英文怎么说?
- 4在c++中,计算e=1+1/1!+1/2!+1/3!+.+1/n!+.,当通项1/n!=1.0E-7)
- 5在三角形ABC中,角BAC=90度,O是边BC的中点,OE平分角AOB且交AB于点E,OD平分角AOC且交AC于点D.证ADOE矩
- 66水氯化钙 12水磷酸二钠 N-(碳)烷 聚乙烯乙二醇 10水硫酸钠 5水硫代硫酸钠 硬脂酸的俗称都怎么表述?
- 7在经济全球化的条件下为什么要发扬爱国主义精神
- 8Who jumps higher ,Tom Jim or David?改错
- 9一列火车长300m,如果某人与火车同向而行,那么经过18s整列火车从该人身旁驶过;如果该人与火车相向而行,那么经过15s整列火车从该人身旁驶过,求该人和火车的速度.
- 10【急】已知函数y等于f(x)的图像与函数y等于2减x减1的图像关于y等于 x对称.则f(3)等于