WM goods received with batch input program?
Dear expert,We have an business as:After good received 101 the goods move to an interim storage location and we do quality inspection.After QI we move the goods to physical bin.Due to warehouse management limit we only can do physical movement first and then input to sap.We use barcode to record necessary information back and want to use batch input program to upload to sap.( like bin to bin).Currently in the system only LT01 can use and for LT01 we only can do material by material.So one time movement many TO created.Can we have an method that we can prepare TO more than one material one time.It is easy for us treace the movement.Bsjens
Dear expert,We have an business as:After good received 101 the goods move to an interim storage location and we do quality inspection.After QI we move the goods to physical bin.Due to warehouse management limit we only can do physical movement first and then input to sap.We use barcode to record necessary information back and want to use batch input program to upload to sap.( like bin to bin).Currently in the system only LT01 can use and for LT01 we only can do material by material.So one time movement many TO created.Can we have an method that we can prepare TO more than one material one time.It is easy for us treace the movement.Bsjens
svetja,Physical flow as:GR to QI---Q inspection--Usage decision and post goods movement----move to racks bin.logical process is :GR 101 to warehouse interim storage type in Q category---Usage decision...
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