1.What is smaller than an insect’s mouth?
2.What season is the most dangerous one?
3.What’s too much for me,just right for two,but nothing at? all for three?
4.On what day of a year do soldiers start wars in history?
5.How many feet are in a yard?
6.What person tries to make others smile most of the time?
7.From what number can one take half and leave nothing?
8.What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes,tells but does not talk?
9.How many months have 28 days?
10.Which horses have six legs?
Keys (I)
1.Anything it eats.
2.Autumn. Because it is also FALL.
3.A secret.
4.March fourth. When a war breaks out,they’ll have to march forth.
5.It depends on how many people are standing in it.
6.A photographer.
7.The number 8.
8.Take away the upper half and 0 is left.
8.A clock.
9.All of them. Each month has its 28th day.
10.All horses have forelegs(four legs) in front and two in back, so they all have six legs
2.What season is the most dangerous one?
3.What’s too much for me,just right for two,but nothing at? all for three?
4.On what day of a year do soldiers start wars in history?
5.How many feet are in a yard?
6.What person tries to make others smile most of the time?
7.From what number can one take half and leave nothing?
8.What has hands but no feet, a face but no eyes,tells but does not talk?
9.How many months have 28 days?
10.Which horses have six legs?
Keys (I)
1.Anything it eats.
2.Autumn. Because it is also FALL.
3.A secret.
4.March fourth. When a war breaks out,they’ll have to march forth.
5.It depends on how many people are standing in it.
6.A photographer.
7.The number 8.
8.Take away the upper half and 0 is left.
8.A clock.
9.All of them. Each month has its 28th day.
10.All horses have forelegs(four legs) in front and two in back, so they all have six legs
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