Tom and Jerry is a series of animated theatrical shorts created by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer that centered on a never-ending rivalry between a housecat (Tom) and a mouse (Jerry) whose chases and battles often involved comic violence.Hanna and Barbera ultimately wrote and directed one hundred and fourteen Tom and Jerry cartoons at the MGM cartoon studio in Hollywood,California between 1940 and 1957,when the animation unit was closed.The original series is notable for having won the Academy Awards for Best Short Subject (Cartoons) seven times,tying it with Walt Disney's Silly Symphonies as the most-awarded theatrical animated series.
Beginning in 1960,in addition to the originals MGM had new shorts produced by Rembrandt Films,led by Gene Deitch in Eastern Europe.Production of Tom and Jerry shorts returned to Hollywood under Chuck Jones's Sib-Tower 12 Productions in 1963; this series lasted until 1967,making it a total of 161 shorts.The cat and mouse stars later resurfaced in television cartoons produced by Hanna-Barbera and Filmation Studios during the 1970s,1980s,and 1990s,a feature film,Tom and Jerry:The Movie,in 1992 and released domestically in 1993 and in 2000,their first TV special,Tom and Jerry in:The Mansion Cat for Cartoon Network.
Today,Time Warner (via its Turner Entertainment division) owns the rights to Tom and Jerry,and also produced the series,Tom and Jerry Tales for The CW's Saturday morning "The CW4Kids" lineup,as well as the recent Tom and Jerry short,The KarateGuard,in 2005 and a string of Tom and Jerry direct-to-video films.
Beginning in 1960,in addition to the originals MGM had new shorts produced by Rembrandt Films,led by Gene Deitch in Eastern Europe.Production of Tom and Jerry shorts returned to Hollywood under Chuck Jones's Sib-Tower 12 Productions in 1963; this series lasted until 1967,making it a total of 161 shorts.The cat and mouse stars later resurfaced in television cartoons produced by Hanna-Barbera and Filmation Studios during the 1970s,1980s,and 1990s,a feature film,Tom and Jerry:The Movie,in 1992 and released domestically in 1993 and in 2000,their first TV special,Tom and Jerry in:The Mansion Cat for Cartoon Network.
Today,Time Warner (via its Turner Entertainment division) owns the rights to Tom and Jerry,and also produced the series,Tom and Jerry Tales for The CW's Saturday morning "The CW4Kids" lineup,as well as the recent Tom and Jerry short,The KarateGuard,in 2005 and a string of Tom and Jerry direct-to-video films.
- 1一块三角形地的面积是0.25公顷,底边长100m,高是多少米
- 2两地相距1800米,甲乙两人同时出发,甲快乙慢,12分钟相遇于A地,如果每人每分钟
- 3一段铁路弯道成圆弧形圆弧,所对的圆心角是150°,半径是400m.一列火车以40km/h的速度经过这段弯道,问要多少时间(结果精确到1s)
- 4已知数列{a)的前n项为an=1/n^2+4n+3,则其前n项的和为
- 5三角形中线分别为3,4,5求三角形面积
- 6碧云天,黄叶地,秋色连波,波上寒烟翠 的意思是什么?
- 7“待到重阳日 还来就菊花"中的“菊花”的含义
- 8—— 安静
- 9my birthday is __ November 7th为什么要填介词on
- 10这句话对吗:任何情况下,等物质量的乙烯和一氧化碳所含的分子数相等
- 1交通工具有关的英语单词
- 2一个长方体高8厘米,宽是高的2分之一,长是宽的4分之5.这个长方体宽是( )厘米,长是( )厘米,棱长之和是( )厘米,体积是( )立方米,表面积是( )平方厘米.
- 3如果小车所受阻力为0时,小车在水平方向所受力为——
- 46枚一分硬币叠在一起与5枚二分硬币叠在一起一样高,4枚一分硬币叠在一起与3枚五分硬币叠在一起一样高,用一分、二分、五分硬币各叠成一个圆柱体,并且三个圆柱体一样高,共用了124枚
- 5高中化学的“摩尔质量”
- 6请问不锈钢18/8和18/10的不锈钢到底哪个好啊?
- 7学校合唱队女生人数是男生的1.5倍,男生相当于女生人数的几分之几?女生占合唱队总人数的几分之几?
- 8一个长方形的周长是50厘米,它相邻两条边长度的厘米数分别一素一合,符合这个要求的长方形面积最大和最少
- 9走进书里去阅读答案!这有有原文!
- 10形而上学唯物主义=机械唯物主义=历史唯物主义吗