Depenging on the study of English this days,I who used to study mechanics have come up the method of study,for I have some ideas after the researching of the methed of studing English.I think the root of study is memory,as the memory consists of memory by understanding and memory by practice.I expected that there are hardly anyone approve of my opinion,so I will explain it.
According to the category of remenber ,we can classify method as understanding and practice,subjects which need understanding such as maths,mechanics and so on,is used to be thought that the best method of these subjects is understanding,but they do neglected that the method of understanding is the method of memory of these subjects,in the other side of the subjects such as studing piano,badminton and so on,practicing of memory is taken the most important place,for what should be understood consist of nothing ,as it has no reason,what should do to learn is just imitation.do however they do it,pra
Depenging on the study of English this days,I who used to study mechanics have come up the method of study,for I have some ideas after the researching of the methed of studing English.I think the root of study is memory,as the memory consists of memory by understanding and memory by practice.I expected that there are hardly anyone approve of my opinion,so I will explain it.
According to the category of remenber ,we can classify method as understanding and practice,subjects which need understanding such as maths,mechanics and so on,is used to be thought that the best method of these subjects is understanding,but they do neglected that the method of understanding is the method of memory of these subjects,in the other side of the subjects such as studing piano,badminton and so on,practicing of memory is taken the most important place,for what should be understood consist of nothing ,as it has no reason,what should do to learn is just imitation.do however they do it,pra
- 1现在你可以享受一杯苹果奶昔了,的英语翻译
- 2hao long have you from Australia A.come back B.returned C.got back D.been back
- 3有29人排成一行,编号1-29,从一号开始,1至2报数,2的不动,1的退出,依此类推,至最后1人.最后的几号?
- 4三条线段a=5,b=3,c的值为整数,由a,b,c为边可组成三角形多少个?
- 5加工零件,甲单独每小时做十分之一,乙单独每小时做72个,甲乙合作完成任务,甲完成了百分之45乙做几个零件
- 63,3,8,8,+-乘除括号,怎么等于二十四?
- 7青铜器,冶铁,炼钢,湿法炼钢的最早发现年代依次是? ?
- 8瞬时速度是标量,还是矢量.
- 9英语创新测试题3
- 10on class是什么意思,在课上?等于in class?
- 1草本植物的特点是什么?
- 213.一支部队排成长度为800米的队列行军,速度为80米/分钟.在队首的通讯员以3倍于行军的速度跑步到队尾 ,花1分钟传达首长命令后,立即以同样的速度跑回到队首.求在这往返全过程中通讯员所花费的时间
- 3一个数的相反数与这个数的负倒数相等,这个数是多少
- 4多项式X^2+aX-y与bX^2-3X+6y-3的差与字母X的取值无关.求a与b的值是几?
- 5对坐标的曲线积分和格林公式是二重积分吗?他和二重积分有什么联系,说的通俗一点谢谢
- 6以《my vacation plans》写一篇英语小短文,要求50词左右.
- 7一个长方形鱼缸长10分之7米,宽5分之3米,里面盛有10分之9立方米的水,水深多少米
- 8将一条长为20cm的铁丝剪成两段,并以每一段铁丝的长度为周长做成一个正方形. (1)要使这两个正方形的面积之和等于17cm2,那么这段铁丝剪成两段后的长度分别是多少? (2)两个正方形
- 9场强方向与电场线方向有什么关系?
- 10电源两端电压不变,电阻R2与R3的阻值为10欧,闭合开关S,断开开关S1