To:Live Accounts Supervisor
Form:Vincent Luk,Accounts Deparment
Date:10 June 200-
Suject:Overdue a/c no.5438383838
I have investigated overdue a/c no.5438383838 as requested in your memo of 8 June.
Mr Tin has been one of our clients for five years.In December last year ,he took out a loan for $27,000.Our arrangement with Mr Tin was that he should repay this loan at a rate of $3,000 per month.
For the first three months,his payments were slow but regular,as you can see from the attached statements of account.Then he asked to change the repayments to $1,500 every month.This request was approved by Mr Chu.The following month,Mr Tin‘s payment was on time,but since then we have received nothing.I have recently sent Mr Tin a collection letter to which he has not replied.
To:Live Accounts Supervisor
Form:Vincent Luk,Accounts Deparment
Date:10 June 200-
Suject:Overdue a/c no.5438383838
I have investigated overdue a/c no.5438383838 as requested in your memo of 8 June.
Mr Tin has been one of our clients for five years.In December last year ,he took out a loan for $27,000.Our arrangement with Mr Tin was that he should repay this loan at a rate of $3,000 per month.
For the first three months,his payments were slow but regular,as you can see from the attached statements of account.Then he asked to change the repayments to $1,500 every month.This request was approved by Mr Chu.The following month,Mr Tin‘s payment was on time,but since then we have received nothing.I have recently sent Mr Tin a collection letter to which he has not replied.
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