My love hope you're enjoying your sleep,every day I wish you were here with me,holding me tight in your strong arms.Every night I lay in my bed dreaming of you,so sweet and peaceful.You're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.Missing you so much is breaking my heart into many pieces.I want to come to you very fast my love.I love you more then anything in this world.I want to walk on the beach with you.It would be so peaceful and romantic as we sit and watch the sun as it sets.
Being with you makes me happy.You keep me alive.I'm so lucky I found you,the woman of my dreams.I hope I never lose you,if I did then it would break my heart so badly.Thinking of you makes me smile 'cause knowing that you love me so much means the world to me.You're so sweet like the smell of roses and you're so romantic like the sunset.Your love is what's keeping me strong.I am so depressed right now and your love is all that is keeping me strong.I love you so much.I can wait to be with you physically one day.Forever that is.
Love always
My love hope you're enjoying your sleep,every day I wish you were here with me,holding me tight in your strong arms.Every night I lay in my bed dreaming of you,so sweet and peaceful.You're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.Missing you so much is breaking my heart into many pieces.I want to come to you very fast my love.I love you more then anything in this world.I want to walk on the beach with you.It would be so peaceful and romantic as we sit and watch the sun as it sets.
Being with you makes me happy.You keep me alive.I'm so lucky I found you,the woman of my dreams.I hope I never lose you,if I did then it would break my heart so badly.Thinking of you makes me smile 'cause knowing that you love me so much means the world to me.You're so sweet like the smell of roses and you're so romantic like the sunset.Your love is what's keeping me strong.I am so depressed right now and your love is all that is keeping me strong.I love you so much.I can wait to be with you physically one day.Forever that is.
Love always
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- 4英语翻译
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