Not really news.As you know,so far the price of the tranportation (including the flying illusion what is around 3000 kg) is totally 65'00 Swiss Francs what is about 62'00 US $.
If this amount is fine for you,we can conclude the contract anytime and look for better prices after.
If this amount is too high for your budget,we have 2 possibilities:
1.We still have to wait a bit,I try to make a deal with panalpinac.com to reach a better price,but it's not sure yet if I succeed to get a better deal for you and for future transportations in general.
2.If you prefer to book the show without the flying,the transportation costs will fall drastically.But then I have to check back with Kaifu who still holds the option for those dates in case I don't perform the show
Maybe you let me know if you prefer 1 or 2,otherwise I go on for nr.1.I hope for your understanding.
Not really news.As you know,so far the price of the tranportation (including the flying illusion what is around 3000 kg) is totally 65'00 Swiss Francs what is about 62'00 US $.
If this amount is fine for you,we can conclude the contract anytime and look for better prices after.
If this amount is too high for your budget,we have 2 possibilities:
1.We still have to wait a bit,I try to make a deal with panalpinac.com to reach a better price,but it's not sure yet if I succeed to get a better deal for you and for future transportations in general.
2.If you prefer to book the show without the flying,the transportation costs will fall drastically.But then I have to check back with Kaifu who still holds the option for those dates in case I don't perform the show
Maybe you let me know if you prefer 1 or 2,otherwise I go on for nr.1.I hope for your understanding.
- 1已知正方形ABCD的对角线长xcm,则周长y关于x的函数解析式为 _ ,当1cm≤x≤10cm时,y的取值范围是 _ .
- 2一个圆柱的底面周长是12.56厘米,高8厘米,沿高把它切成相等的两半,表面积增加了_平方厘米.
- 3(4/17+1/25)*17*25怎么样简算,
- 4已知代数式a2-2a-3的值为0,那么代数式2a2-4a-5=_.
- 59、杜甫的诗句“人生不相见,动如参与商”其中“参”位于猎户星座,“商”位于( )
- 6关于顾炎武的文言文
- 7在一个周长为90厘米的圆上,有三个点将圆周三等分abc三个爬虫分别在这三点上
- 8有人能告诉我这几道数学题是啥意思么?
- 9后天是星期几英语怎么说 what day.
- 10根据短文内容和首字母提示,在文中空白处填入一个适当的单词,手机短文完整、通顺
- 1一项工程,如甲队独做,6天可完成.甲3天的工作量,乙要4天完成.两队合做了2天后,由乙队单独做,乙队还需做多少天才能完成?
- 2__spend so much money on clothes怎么做
- 3把6.填入9宫格中使横竖斜三个数的和是90
- 4怎样用物理性质或化学性质区分铁和铜
- 5无限循环小数能化为分数吗
- 6求:i know you want me 的中文翻译
- 7cut 动名词形式
- 8复文言文是看翻译书还是看课本(课本有个别字翻译)还是两样一起看
- 9水体中饱和溶解氧含量受哪些因素影响?求5℃、20℃和28℃时水中饱和溶解氧浓度
- 10我用万用表测量电阻,用欧姆档2K是读数 .400 然后我用20K时的读数0.4,这个阻值到底是多大?