英语征文 科技在我身边 200词
200词就行 中英互义最好
200词就行 中英互义最好
9月22日 17:43 I want to be a teacher
I want to be a teacher,a knowledgable teacher.Then I can
teach more students what I know like all of my knoledgable
teachers.I want to be a teacher,a nice and kind teacher.I hope all my students will regard me not only as a teacher,but also as a good friend.Thus,we can learn together,and we can play together as well.One day,if I were a teacher,I'd like to try my best to find a easy way for study.Maybe by singing way,maybe by dancing way,or maybe by some games.I will let my students feel happy during my class,and learn the knowledge very well.
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I want to be a teacher,a knowledgable teacher.Then I can
teach more students what I know like all of my knoledgable
teachers.I want to be a teacher,a nice and kind teacher.I hope all my students will regard me not only as a teacher,but also as a good friend.Thus,we can learn together,and we can play together as well.One day,if I were a teacher,I'd like to try my best to find a easy way for study.Maybe by singing way,maybe by dancing way,or maybe by some games.I will let my students feel happy during my class,and learn the knowledge very well.
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