1.The blue watch is more expensive than the pink one .
2.The yellow dictionary is bigger than the red one .
3.He has a lof of money.
4.I'll buy the black car .
5.How about that one there
6.What's wrong with you?
7.He flies to Shengzhen every month.
8.It's time for lunch.
9.My home is not far from the school.
1.The blue watch is more expensive than the pink one .
2.The yellow dictionary is bigger than the red one .
3.He has a lof of money.
4.I'll buy the black car .
5.How about that one there
6.What's wrong with you?
7.He flies to Shengzhen every month.
8.It's time for lunch.
9.My home is not far from the school.
1.The pink watch is cheapper than the blue one.
2.The red dictionary is smaller than the yellow one .
3.He has a great deal money.
4.I'll .purchase the black car .
5.What about that one there
6.What's the matter with you?
7.He flies to Shengzhen per month.
8..It's timeto have lunch.
9.My home is near the school
1.The pink watch is cheapper than the blue one.
2.The red dictionary is smaller than the yellow one .
3.He has a great deal money.
4.I'll .purchase the black car .
5.What about that one there
6.What's the matter with you?
7.He flies to Shengzhen per month.
8..It's timeto have lunch.
9.My home is near the school
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