on candystripe legs spiderman comes
On candystripe legs spiderman comes
softly through the shadow of the evening sun
Softly through the shadow of the evening sun
stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead
Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead
looking for the victim shivering in bed
Looking for the victim shivering in bed
searching out fear in the gathering gloom and
Searching out fear in the gathering gloom and
suddenly!a movement in the corner of the
Suddenly!a movement in the corner of the
room!and there is nothing I can do when i
Room!and there is nothing i can do when i
realise with freight that the spiderman is having
Realise with freight that the spiderman is having
me for dinner tonight
Me for dinner tonight
Quietly he laughs and shaking his head creeps
quietly he laughs and shaking his head creeps
Closer now closer to the foot of the bed and
closer now closer to the foot of the bed and
Softer than shadow and quicker than flies his
softer than shadow and quicker than flies his
Arms are all around me and his tongue in my
arms are all around me and his tongue in my
Eyes "be still be calm be quiet now my precious
Boy don't struggle like that or i will only love
boy don't struggle like that or I will only love
You more for it's much too late to get away or
you more for it's much too late to get away or
Turn on the light the spiderman is having you
turn on the light the spiderman is having you
For dinner tonight"
for dinner tonight'
And i feel like i'm being eaten by a thousand
and I feel like I'm being eaten by a thousand
Million shivering furry holes and i know that in
million shivering furry holes and I know that in
The morning i will wake up in the shivering cold
the morning I will wake up in the shivering cold
And the spiderman is always hungry...
and the spiderman is always hungry...
on candystripe legs spiderman comes
On candystripe legs spiderman comes
softly through the shadow of the evening sun
Softly through the shadow of the evening sun
stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead
Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead
looking for the victim shivering in bed
Looking for the victim shivering in bed
searching out fear in the gathering gloom and
Searching out fear in the gathering gloom and
suddenly!a movement in the corner of the
Suddenly!a movement in the corner of the
room!and there is nothing I can do when i
Room!and there is nothing i can do when i
realise with freight that the spiderman is having
Realise with freight that the spiderman is having
me for dinner tonight
Me for dinner tonight
Quietly he laughs and shaking his head creeps
quietly he laughs and shaking his head creeps
Closer now closer to the foot of the bed and
closer now closer to the foot of the bed and
Softer than shadow and quicker than flies his
softer than shadow and quicker than flies his
Arms are all around me and his tongue in my
arms are all around me and his tongue in my
Eyes "be still be calm be quiet now my precious
Boy don't struggle like that or i will only love
boy don't struggle like that or I will only love
You more for it's much too late to get away or
you more for it's much too late to get away or
Turn on the light the spiderman is having you
turn on the light the spiderman is having you
For dinner tonight"
for dinner tonight'
And i feel like i'm being eaten by a thousand
and I feel like I'm being eaten by a thousand
Million shivering furry holes and i know that in
million shivering furry holes and I know that in
The morning i will wake up in the shivering cold
the morning I will wake up in the shivering cold
And the spiderman is always hungry...
and the spiderman is always hungry...
糖果条纹的长腿一晃 蜘蛛人进了来
找寻着缩在床上的牺牲者 他正打着摆
而我怀着恐惧意识到 我根本无法可想
尽管那个蜘蛛人 他要把我当成晚餐来品尝!
他静静的笑着 摇晃着脑袋
一点一点的爬着 接近着床角
比阴影更柔 比苍蝇更快
他的手臂已经环绕住了我 舌头伸到了眼睛里来
别这么拼命的挣扎 否则 我只会爱你爱得更多
你就是晚餐 蜘蛛人已经提起了筷”
而蜘蛛人 他总是饥肠辘辘……
找寻着缩在床上的牺牲者 他正打着摆
而我怀着恐惧意识到 我根本无法可想
尽管那个蜘蛛人 他要把我当成晚餐来品尝!
他静静的笑着 摇晃着脑袋
一点一点的爬着 接近着床角
比阴影更柔 比苍蝇更快
他的手臂已经环绕住了我 舌头伸到了眼睛里来
别这么拼命的挣扎 否则 我只会爱你爱得更多
你就是晚餐 蜘蛛人已经提起了筷”
而蜘蛛人 他总是饥肠辘辘……
- 1四年级上册语文第7课 蟋蟀的住宅 住宅 是什么意思
- 2明天就是教师节了,有没有关于教师节的诗词,或经典句子
- 3The car under a tree is Mr.
- 4沸腾是液体内部和表面发生的剧烈汽化现象,为什么中间没有冒气泡?
- 5选择
- 6高中数学 简易逻辑问题……
- 7古诗词是古人为我们留下的宝贵精神财富,下列诗句不涉及氧化还原反应的是( ) A.野火烧不尽,春风吹又生 B.春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干 C.粉身碎骨浑不怕,要留清白在人间 D.
- 8修一条路,前3天修了这条路的1/4,平均每天修了这条路的几分之几?照这样计算,修完这条路要几天?
- 9肾小球、肾小管、肾小囊
- 10氨碱法制碱中为什么把氨气称为反应的媒介
- 1“鬽”这个字的读音是什么啊?可以组成什么词?
- 2在直角梯形ABCD中,AB=22,CD=10,AD=16.
- 3南北极在考察的黄金季节上有什么不同?为什么?
- 4当励磁电流I=0mA时,在电磁铁气隙中心得到的磁感应强度B等于0吗?为什么会出现这种现象?
- 5《证券投资分析》中如果债券再投资收益率不等于到期收益率,那么债券复利到期收益率的公式怎么推来的?
- 6We often have English s_____ contests on Monday afternoon
- 7中国人失掉自信力了吗在文章开头作者为什么承认对方说的是事实
- 8He has never forgotten the p____ trip in the mountains .
- 9科学文化修养比思想道德修养更重要 .希望能多举点实际例子证明一下这个观点,
- 10在半径为1的圆内画一个最大的正方形,向圆内任投一点,则落在正方形内的概率为?