英语选择适当形式填空 求做
每次限用一次,用所给词适当形式填空,是文章通顺 完整,两个词语是多余的.
bring appear although begin but nothing farm good happy before take in
There was once an old ,dying famer who had worked hard in his vineyard all his life.Before he died he wanted to teach his three sons how to be good___.So he called the to him and said."My boys,___I die I want you to know that there is a lot of great treasure buried in the vineyard.Promise me that you will look for it when I an dead,"
The sons promised and as soon as their father had died, they__looking for the treasure.They worked very hard__ the hot sun and all the time at they were working they wonder what their father had left for them.In their minds they pictured boxes of gold coins diamond,necklaces and other such things.Soon they had dug up every inch of the vineyard.___they found not a single penny .They were very upset.They felt that all rheir hard work gad been____.But then the grapes started to ____ in the vine
每次限用一次,用所给词适当形式填空,是文章通顺 完整,两个词语是多余的.
bring appear although begin but nothing farm good happy before take in
There was once an old ,dying famer who had worked hard in his vineyard all his life.Before he died he wanted to teach his three sons how to be good___.So he called the to him and said."My boys,___I die I want you to know that there is a lot of great treasure buried in the vineyard.Promise me that you will look for it when I an dead,"
The sons promised and as soon as their father had died, they__looking for the treasure.They worked very hard__ the hot sun and all the time at they were working they wonder what their father had left for them.In their minds they pictured boxes of gold coins diamond,necklaces and other such things.Soon they had dug up every inch of the vineyard.___they found not a single penny .They were very upset.They felt that all rheir hard work gad been____.But then the grapes started to ____ in the vine
1.farmers 2.before 3.began 4.in 5.But 6.nothing 7.appear 8.best 9.happily 10.brings
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