Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Life is more complex than before so it’s essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize things.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
Life is more complex than before so it’s essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize things.
tofel writing is not like gre/gmat writing,what you write is not as important as how you write it,so whenyou have the test,instead of trying to find out your evidence,it's better focus on your vocabulary and expressions.I'm just saying,you don't have to agree.
I found you an example below.
I completely agree with the point that the ability to plan and organize is essential to young people.
young generation is required to be efficient and effective by modern
society.And there is no doubt that learning how to plan and organize
can make a youth become more considerate and more responsible.It also
means he is working without waste and using a minimum of time,effort
and expense.By this way,he definitely will be more helpful than
before.Just like American Ex-president Franklin Roosevelt said:No
country,however rich,can afford the waste of its human resources.
Therefore,as a young citizen who cares about his own country,should
notice the significance of planing and organization.
this kind of skills will ensure the young people a well development in
their career life.Businessmen prefer to complete the project on time
and on budget,civil servants handle affairs in the eight working hours,
a coach believes in system training plans,and an engineer not only has
an open mind but also does lots of structured work.I used to be a
teacher,and the most important thing I learn from my career life is
always being a plan maker.By this way,I accomplished many goals on
schedule.Make it a habit to be organized,and make a plan scientific,
those will mean a lot to young people.
Most of all,having this
ability really makes our daily lives easier and happier.Just imagine,
when you blog,your essay always be well organized; when you travel,
you've already made a wonderful journey plan before you go; even when
you cook for your family,you master the time perfectly,although the
process is complicated of preparing all the meats and vegetables.Are
they great?
In short,modern society has extended the range of
people's activity,and thus made good planning and organizing skills
needed in every aspect of our lives.So nowadays the ability to plan and
organize is much more essential to young people.I would like to say,
these skills will be really helpful for the young to live a life
I found you an example below.
I completely agree with the point that the ability to plan and organize is essential to young people.
young generation is required to be efficient and effective by modern
society.And there is no doubt that learning how to plan and organize
can make a youth become more considerate and more responsible.It also
means he is working without waste and using a minimum of time,effort
and expense.By this way,he definitely will be more helpful than
before.Just like American Ex-president Franklin Roosevelt said:No
country,however rich,can afford the waste of its human resources.
Therefore,as a young citizen who cares about his own country,should
notice the significance of planing and organization.
this kind of skills will ensure the young people a well development in
their career life.Businessmen prefer to complete the project on time
and on budget,civil servants handle affairs in the eight working hours,
a coach believes in system training plans,and an engineer not only has
an open mind but also does lots of structured work.I used to be a
teacher,and the most important thing I learn from my career life is
always being a plan maker.By this way,I accomplished many goals on
schedule.Make it a habit to be organized,and make a plan scientific,
those will mean a lot to young people.
Most of all,having this
ability really makes our daily lives easier and happier.Just imagine,
when you blog,your essay always be well organized; when you travel,
you've already made a wonderful journey plan before you go; even when
you cook for your family,you master the time perfectly,although the
process is complicated of preparing all the meats and vegetables.Are
they great?
In short,modern society has extended the range of
people's activity,and thus made good planning and organizing skills
needed in every aspect of our lives.So nowadays the ability to plan and
organize is much more essential to young people.I would like to say,
these skills will be really helpful for the young to live a life
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